SKALJARAC WITH THE FATHER OF GOD OBJECTIVE AGAIN Who is Milos Nilovic called Runjo, who was arrested at gunpoint in a cafe in Vracar by a Montenegrin masked with a “take”


Milos Nilovic of Niksic, named Runjo, was allegedly a person a Montenegrin armed with a face mask was looking for in a cafe in Vracar yesterday afternoon. Milos Miljanovic (33) entered the cafe yesterday with a “shot” in hand and walked between the tables, visibly looking for someone. Nilović, Nikola Kovačević (39) and Vojsilav Kostić (39), all known to the police from before, were in the café at the time, and it is suspected that some of them may have been the target, because they immediately fled and hid behind from the bar. . Frightened guests fled in all directions.

Montenegrin citizen Miljanovic was arrested a few hours after the incident in a house in Belgrade. A large number of police surrounded the building, and then broke into the house and arrested the suspect. A silicone mask was found near him, which Montenegrin clansmen wear in liquidations, an “Uzi” with a silencer, and black clothing he wore when he entered the café.

Milos Nilovic, Vojkan Kostic and Nikola Kovacevic were sitting at the table.Photo: screenshot
Milos Nilovic, Vojkan Kostic and Nikola Kovacevic were sitting at the table.

As announced by the Interior Ministry, the police, in cooperation with the competent prosecutor’s office, is working intensively to clarify all the circumstances of this event.

Fortunately, none of the guests at the cafe on Braničevska Street in Vračar were injured, and as Belgrade police announced, the masked Montenegrin did not fire a single bullet from his weapon.

This is not the first time that Milos Nilovic has found himself in this situation. In late 2018, also in a Belgrade cafe, Nilović was sitting with his friend Vladimir Popović named Vlada Pop, when masked attackers entered the bar and fired with automatic weapons.

The murder of Vlado Pop in BelgradePhoto: Milan Ilic / RAS Serbia
The murder of Vlado Pop in Belgrade

Just like this time, Nilovic saw the danger in time and hid behind the bar, and his friend Vlada Pop, seeing the attackers take an automatic weapon out of the bag, attacked them. He could not save himself because the shooter fired several shots at him and he fled. Pop died of his injuries.

Kostic and Nilovic at Vlado Pop's funeralPhoto: RAS Serbia
Kostic and Nilovic at Vlado Pop’s funeral

Nilovic’s name was mentioned to the Serbian public because he was one of ten clan members arrested at the “Durmitor” restaurant a year earlier, and his name was accused of carrying arms illegally.

Arrest at the restaurant Photo: RAS Serbia
Arrest at the “Durmitor” restaurant

Two pistols wrapped in a T-shirt were then found, one of which belonged to Mitar Muratović, who was also arrested at the time, and the others were alternately carried by Muratović and Nilović. During that procedure, Muratović, among other things, said that he and Nilović were training together, and that Nilović’s DNA was accidentally found on the shirt and then on the gun.

However, when asked when he and Nilovic trained, since Nilovic’s arm was in a cast at the time, Muratovic said “yesterday” first and then “couldn’t remember.”

Interestingly, in that proceeding, Nilović and Muratović were represented by lawyer Dragoslav Miša Ognjanović, who was killed in a waiting room in front of the building where he lived in New Belgrade.

Vojkan Kostić, former member of the Gendarmerie

His godfather Vojislav Vojkan Kostic, a former member of the Gendarmerie, was at the cafe table in Vracar with Nilovic. He appeared at the trial of the “Durmitor” defendants, posing as Nilovic’s godfather.

Kostic was previously charged in the “Havana” case, when he and Vlada Pop attempted to extort 110,000 euros, an apartment, a car, and other real estate from two men in the name of non-existent debt. Furthermore, Vojislav Kostić’s brother is Zvonimir, who was among the ten arrested in “Durmitor” when Nilović was brought to justice.

Vladimir Popovic Pop and Vojislav KosticPhoto: M. Ilić / RAS Serbia
Vladimir Popovic Pop and Vojislav Kostic

Incidentally, his name was followed by numerous controversies in the days when he was a gendarme. As a member of the Gendarmerie, he advanced during the time of General Bratislav Dikić. Although it was known even then that he had serious ties of cooperation with the Belgrade subsoil, Kostic was transferred to the Belgrade Detachment Specialized Company, and since 2012 there are specific data on the cooperation of Popovic and Kostic.

After being arrested for extortion, the media reported that he was with Popovic in the boxing match of the decade between Vladimir Klitschko and Alexander Povetkin in Moscow, who followed him together from the VIP box.

In early 2016, he received the decision to participate in the risk analysis work and was transferred to the Security Unit. In that period, Kostic boasted of meeting underground people and of Moscow photography.

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