SIZE NEW CROWN! Who does not wear a mask PAYS A PENALTY on the spot, Arena del Monday hospital kovid


The use of masks, that is, the punishment for violating this measure, could be legally regulated as of next week and mandatory fines would be imposed, as “Blic” has learned. In addition, today it was decided that the Arena will once again be a covid hospital as of Monday.

In today’s session, the crisis staff discussed and will propose that the Serbian Assembly adopt amendments to the Law of Misdemeanors, which would consider the violation of the measure on the wearing of masks as a foul and punish it with a mandatory sanction.

The Crisis Staff did not consider the amount of the fine and that is the part that the new Assembly must decide.

Penalties for violating the home isolation measure

In the session that has just concluded, the regulation of violations of the isolation of houses was also discussed, which could also be found as a provision in the modified Misdemeanor Act.

In the future, masks will be mandatory both outdoors and indoors, and as an important element the legal regulation of the number of people gathered in a certain area was considered. For now, it is still in the crosshairs that there can be no more than 30 people.

The mandatory sanctions that could be adopted are, in fact, unique sanctions imposed on the ground. These are practically fines that are also imposed during traffic offenses. They are paid on the spot in a smaller amount or later in a larger one.

Arena of new hospital kovid

In addition to this, the crisis staff has decided to convert the Belgrade Arena into a hospital again.

– Taking into account that the number of people with laboratory presence of the virus is increasing, as of Monday the Arena will be ready to receive patients – announced today Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavćević after the Crisis Staff session.

VIDEO: This is how the Arena was prepared for the reception of covid patients in the first wave
