SIX TUNNELS AND 16 BRIDGES: this is what the first section of the highway of peace will look like, from Merošina to Plocnik


After signing an agreement with the EBRD for a loan of 85 million euros for the first section of the future highway from Nis to Meradar, Momirovic pointed out to the Serbian government that the project is very challenging for Serbia, and that it will open prospects for both Serbs as for Albanians. .

Construction of the road begins in Merošina near Niš, and is about 32 kilometers long until Plocnik, it will have six tunnels with a total length of 2,600 meters and 16 bridges. The contractor’s tender will be released later this year.

Momirovic thanked the EBRD for the financial assistance and noted that the institution had assisted numerous infrastructure projects in the country, especially for the section of Corridor 10 and the rehabilitation of roads.

The EBRD Regional Director for the Western Balkans, Zuzana Hargitai, said she was proud to sign the loan agreement and that the EBRD could help start work on such an important project.

Hargitai stated that the Nis-Plocnik stretch is the first part of the Peace Highway, which he says is one of the key projects to create a common regional market in the Western Balkans, but also one of the key projects of the Economic Investment Plan of the EU.

– We have not only signed a loan contract, but we will start with the works. It was a solemn promise to everyone in Serbia that we would not sign the loan agreement and then wait until the start of work, Hargitai said. – The first tender for the works will be announced in December, and works will begin in the middle of next year.

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