Six things about the massacre of civilians in Kragujevac: 79 years since the crime



The shooting was carried out in retaliation for 10 German soldiers killed and 26 wounded after the conflict on the road between Kragujevac and Gornji Milanovac. An order was issued to shoot 100 people for a dead German soldier and 50 for the wounded.

Indiscriminate shooting

The massacre took place on October 19, 20 and 21. The shooting began in villages that the Germans called “bandit beds.” After that, the decision was made to continue the killings in Kragujevac. The arrests and raids were carried out indiscriminately and the population was executed in groups.

Thousands of shots

There are different data on the number of people killed in the crime. Curator Stanisa Brkic published the names and personal details of 2,796 victims of the Kragujevac shooting in the 2007 book “Name and Number.”

Shooting students

The Germans stormed the Gymnasium and other schools, from which they pulled teachers and students during classes. Among those shot were some 300 young men and high school students, as well as 40 boys between the ages of 12 and 15.

Kragujevac October Memorial Park

The area where the 1953 shooting took place was turned into a memorial park. A monumental museum “October 21” was erected at the entrance. So far, 10 monument mounds have been artistically designed, and among them is the “Monument to Executed Students and Teachers”, which has become a symbol of the Kragujevac tragedy.


Commander Franz Beme faced indictment for a crime in Kragujevac. After being captured in Norway, he was taken to court as part of the subsequent Nuremberg Trials. Committed suicide. The commander of the 724th Regiment of the 704th Infantry Division, General Adalbert Loncar, was sentenced to death in 1947 before the Military Court in Belgrade.
