Silver Lake is a favorite picnic area from Belgrade to Pomoravlje: everyone runs to the beautiful lake in front of the Danube, but they forget about the dangers of calm water.
The greatest tragedy in recent years is the drowning of two elementary school siblings, who pedaled on an excursion and then plunged into the water.

The last in the series hit the family of Mark K. (22), who died in this lake on May 1.
The horrible accident happened in 2016, when the N.P. elementary school drowned. and S.P. A boy tried to cross from one boat to another and then plunged into the water. His brother jumped up to save him, but they both ended up at the bottom of the lake.
The judicial epilogue to this tragedy also followed.
With the final sentence of the Kragujevac Court of Appeals, Zoran Jovanovic, head of the Karadjordje Primary School in Raca and assistant soccer coach Marko Glisic, were sentenced to one year in prison, and the court also upheld a two-year sentence for Milanka and Dragan Stankovic of Nis. The owners of the pedal boats from which the boys fell into Silver Lake and drowned.
Mark K.’s last drowning happened in a similar way: he got out of a boat, or rather a boat, that he and his two companions pulled out of the cabin.

Marko K. and two other friends went by boat to the cabin.
– They went to the other shore, where they hung out and drank. They then returned at night, around midnight, however, at one point while on the lake, the tin boat began to receive water and sank, a source familiar with the case said.
Two young men who managed to swim reported the disappearance of their friend in Veliko Gradiste.
Otherwise, just one month before the brothers’ deaths, in 2016, another young man was killed.
Nikola Juric, 31, from Brnjica, drowned near a motor camp when she suddenly sank.
It happened because of his friend, who immediately called the police. They couldn’t find the body at the bottom of the lake for a long time.
On the coasts, young people and families often gather, as this place is a growing tourist attraction year after year, both in its beautiful nature and in its content and events. Restaurants, cafes and discos on the coast, as well as sports clubs and recreational centers make Silver Lake known as the “Serbian Sea”.
Unfortunately, as the locals say, in this place, every summer and season the lake takes its toll. The water often seems calm, giving non-swimmers confidence, and the murky parts of the lake and grass have been known to deceive when it comes to depth. Also, many good connoisseurs of lakes and shoreline cabin owners often speak of mud and springs that suddenly take their lives.

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Author: Delivery courier