SILENCE AFTER THE HORROR WITH VLADIMIRAC: A teenager suspected of sexually harassing a girl (4), residents of Matijevac “as if they were not from here”


After being questioned by a juvenile judge at the Šabac High Court, the boy was released to defend himself.

He is currently a suspect in the crime of “sexual harassment.” The investigation continues, followed by other hearings, examinations, expert opinions … Those in charge of the investigation are careful not to do anything that would happen with this incident reported on December 21. It gave unwanted connotations, nor did it cause pain or trouble to anyone, especially children.

According to our information, these two families live not too far from each other in the Matijac part of town and not only were they hanging out, but they are supposedly in godfather relationships too! They both have letters for peaceful, good and honest people. and because of the check, here, it resounded “like thunder in a clear sky.”

– This is painful, sad and ugly in a dream to dream, let alone be something that happens around us – says one of the priests from the Sabac area. Popularly speaking, the devil neither plows nor digs, it is common for bad things to happen before the big parties. We believe that the authorities will investigate everything, hopefully everything is better than, at the beginning of the story, they said supposedly well informed. People should not occupy themselves with their leisure, as well as with their base passions, magnifying as little as possible the terrible and horrible and for which multiplication only hurts more.

The locals do not want to complain about either of these two houses, they are careful. Many journalists who came here did not even want to show where the families were. They prefer to act “like they aren’t from here.”

I can only say that, if there is truth and some sexual harassment of angels from the age of four, it should not happen to anyone again, and it is up to us, instead of judging, to help the most difficult in this situation – he told us. it is a local.

– Everything else, not only does not make sense, but is malicious and inhuman!

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