SIGNED AGREEMENT FOR BG METRO The talks with the French and Chinese will be LINES AND ROUTES, and this is how much it will cost


Today, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Construction, Zorana Mihajlovic, together with the Minister for European Integration, Jadranka Joksimovic, signed an Agreement on a donation of 8.3 million euros for the implementation and financing of the Belgrade Metro project between the Government of Serbia and the Government of France.

Minister Mihajlović announced that Serbia will carry out the Belgrade Metro construction project together with French and Chinese partners, and that negotiations are underway.

– This agreement implies that we will begin to prepare a feasibility study, conceptual design and environmental impact assessment study for the first phase, that is, the first metro line. But we will also receive a proposal for a conceptual solution for the third subway line in Belgrade, said Zorana Mihajlović.

He said that today’s agreement will result in a contract from which 8.3 million euros will be obtained, and that in the next year we can expect clear guidelines and what the front line will look like and how much it will cost exactly, as well as to prepare for the start. of the construction of the first line.

– Meanwhile, we are talking with the French government, but also with Chinese partners, about how we will build and finance this project – she said.

As he said, it will be the largest and most financially difficult in the entire region, since it is estimated that the three metro lines will cost between 4.5 and 5.5 billion euros.

Belgrade Mayor Zoran Radojicic said it was a long-term project that is very important to the development of Belgrade and the quality of life for Belgrade citizens.

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Vuk Monument

“It is estimated that about 30 percent of Belgraders will travel on the subway,” said Radojicic.

Realistically, we will still have to wait for the start of the construction of the metro, and the most realistic option at the moment is 2022. That is, after the signed agreement, the contracts need to be signed, and for the preparation of the Feasibility Study As Stanko Kantar, the first man in the Belgrade Metro and Train EP, said, it will take a year. And only then does the announcement of construction tenders follow, and a process that can never be short.

Two lines with a total of 43 stations were drawn.

The French, with the help of national experts, carried out a preliminary Feasibility Study that drew the first two lines of the BG metro in detail. The first would lead from Makiško polje (near Železnik) to Mirijevo, 21.3 km long with 23 stations, and the second from Mirijevo to Zemun, 19.2 km long with 20 stations. However, the first phase would include part of the first line, from Makiško polje to Karaburma.

The stations on the first line would be: Zeleznik – Maneuver Station – Makiš – Bele vode – Trgovačka – Požeška – Brdo Banovo Market – Most na Adi – Fair – Loop Mostar – Palace of Justice – Savski trg – Republic Square – France – Port of Belgrade – Danube Station – Pancevo Bridge – Karaburma – Diljska – Visnjicka Railway – Mirijevski Boulevard – Seventh Gymnasium – Mirijevo.

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Stations on the second line: ŽS Zemun – Novi NS post – Filipa Višnjića – Stadion Zemun – Senjski trg – A. Dubčeka – Municipality of NBG – Mercator – “Arena” – „Sava centar“ – Savski trg – Manjež – Slavija – Maksima Gorkog – Šumatovačka – Vojislava Ilića – Cvetkova pijaca – Mite Ružića – Ustanička – Mirijevo.

The first phase of Makiško polje to Karaburma

The first phase of construction will include a part of the first line from Makiško polje to Karaburma, over a length of 16.5 kilometers. In the second phase, a part of the second line will be built, from Mirijevo to the Municipality of New Belgrade, 13.4 kilometers long, which will pass through Cvetkova pijaca, Slavija, as well as Savski trg. Finally, in the third phase, both lines will be extended: the first from Karaburma to Mirijevo, and the second from the Municipality of New Belgrade to Zemun.

It is interesting that both first lines would end, that is, they would start from the same point: from Mirijevo! And from the Mirijevski venac area, near the post office building. The second point where both lines would overlap would be Savski trg, ie “Belgrade in the water”.

Stanko Kantar, first man of physical education Photo: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia
Stanko Kantar, first PE man “Belgrade Metro and Train”

A little higher and much more below the ground

Most of the route of the first two lines will be underground, shallow or quite deep. There will be Zeleznik, Ranžirna and Makiš stations on the surface, the shallow subsoil will be at a depth of 10 to 16 and the deep subsoil will be 38 meters below the surface.

The deepest station will be below Cvetkova pijaca (line 2), up to 38 meters below ground, and on line 1, the one near Most na Ada, 30 meters below the surface.

The third line from New Belgrade to Banjica

The third line is conceived from the settlement of Dr. Ivan Ribar in New Belgrade to Banjica. However, there are two variants that coincide in the New Belgrade part. A route would go from New Belgrade to Trg republike, Slavija, through the Clinical Center, Prokop, Autokomanda, the settlement of Stepa Stepanović to Banjica. In the second, from Trg republike to the Vuk monument, the Red Cross and along Gospodar Vučić, Ustanička, Braća Jerković to Banjica.

According to data from the Plan for the general regulation of railway systems, in Belgrade by 2033, each metro composition must have three carriages, each 18 meters long, with a maximum speed of 80 km / h. The metro would run on the first line every 119 seconds (average travel time 38 minutes), and on the second line 136 (33.5 minutes). It is estimated that the majority of users, more than 10,000, will be between the Ada Bridge and the Palace of Justice, and the busiest station is Savski trg with 12,000 passengers.

The price of the first two lines is around 4,400 million euros.

The price of the first phase of the first line, from Makiško polje to Karaburma, is 1 billion and 860 million euros, while about 4.4 billion are planned for the first two complete lines.

– These are figures that meet some standards. Depending on the type of terrain, the price per kilometer is around 100 million euros, said Stanko Kantar, the first man of the PE “Belgrade Metro and train” earlier.

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