SHOT WHILE SHE WENT TO PICK UP FOR KINDERGARTEN! A stray bullet hit Novi Pazar in the chest, bloodied and in shock simply repeating: WHAT IS HAPPENING?


SHOT WHILE GOING TO PICK UP FOR A CHILD IN KINDERGARTEN!  A stray bullet hit Novi Pazar in the chest, bloody and in shock simply repeating: WHAT IS HAPPENING?

Photo: Pritnscreen, Private Archive

Novopazarka MM (32), who was injured in a shooting between the fighting citizens of Novi Pazar on Tuesday, almost died neither guilty nor guilty, while on her way to kindergarten to pick up a child!

At the time when an accidental pedestrian was run over and when she fell into the street as cut, she was exchanging messages on the phone with her husband, who was on the road. With sheer luck and the quick intervention of the surgical team at the General Hospital of Novi Pazar, he survived.

Novi Pazar, Dr. Izet Tutic
photo: Kurir / Zoran Šaponjić

– Fortunately, today is better. After being injured, her husband urgently returned to the city, friends of the injured said yesterday. Dr. Izet Tutić, a well-known surgeon from Novi Pazar, told Kurir that the woman was in a serious condition, bleeding heavily, in shock and upset.

– He only repeated: “What happened?”, And he also mentioned his son, for whom he went to kindergarten. They hit her on the right side of the chest, we had to urgently intervene, there was no time to wait. We managed to stop the bleeding and stabilize the condition – says Dr. Tutić.

Novi Pazar, Meliha M.
photo: Private Archive

According to him, another operation is expected for this patient in the next few days, when the condition improves even more, removing the lead pimple from the chest. On Tuesday, Dr. Tutić also operated on a MK (39) man, who was the target of the attack. He was shot twice in the pelvis.

A few hours after the confrontation, father and son HA (45) and AA (23), who are suspected by the police of participating in the shooting and then fled, surrendered to the police. HA is charged with attempted murder and illegal possession of a weapon, and his son is charged with violent behavior.

Zoran, Novi Pazar
photo: Private Archive

The motive for the shooting is a fight from a month and a half ago in a cafe whose owners are suspects. Then a close relative of MK, who was shot yesterday, was beaten and ended up in hospital. Apparently, the conflict moved from the cafe to social networks.

– HA and his son, who were in the car, and MK, who was also in the vehicle, met near the police building. They got into a fight, AA hit MK through the window with his fist and then HA pulled out a pistol. Three shots were fired, two hitting MK and one hitting a woman passing by on the street, the source says.


Stopped the bleeding

Novi Pazar

After the shooting, Ivan Milojević was among the police officers who ran out of the Police Administration building, which is located nearby. He ran to the seriously injured woman and tried to stop the bleeding with his hands until the ambulance arrived. – Terrible what happened in the middle of the day! The children went there too, as did other people. Horror – said the people of Novi Pazar yesterday. Zoran Shaponjic

Photo:, Private Archive

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
