SHORT BREATHING AND “LONG KOVID”: What is the most common symptom of a crown and what is the sign that it has affected the lungs?


Dr. Tatjana Radosavljević explained what “long kovid” means, as well as the symptoms that indicate that the virus has spread to the lungs.

– Shortness of breath can occur in an acute infection, and it can also accompany people who have had covid and have had severe forms of infection, explains Dr. Tatjana Radosavljević, adding:

– Feeling short of breath, that is, shortness of breath, is not a symptom that could indicate that you are infected with kovid-19. The main symptoms that indicate the existence of kovid are fever, muscle pain, general malaise, loss of the sense of taste and smell, and possibly diarrhea. Any worsening of breathing in patients with kovid requires an urgent lung examination to see how widespread the inflammation of this organ is. Shortness of breath is not a specific symptom of kovid only. It also occurs in other viral respiratory infections. When you have a stuffy nose, you can wheeze and feel short of breath, which can occur with any viral pneumonia, he said.

Difficulty breathing after lying on the crown.

Difficulty breathing, as the doctor pointed out, can occur in patients who have suffered from coronavirus.

– The lungs of these patients must recover, some of them may have reduced spirometric values ​​and it is very important to do breathing exercises that expand the chest and lungs, which reach more blood, so that they heal faster – adds the doctor and says that Breathing exercises, which are like yoga breathing, can be performed without devices and with the help of certain devices. Give an example of an exercise performed in 10 sets, three to four times a day, during which the patient tries to hold three balls on the surface by breathing. In this way, the lungs expand and a good part of the patients recover thanks to this method.

– If that doesn’t help, although I must mention that there is no treatment protocol because we are all learning, corticosteroids can be given, in smaller doses over a longer period of time, he says.

Shortness of breath does not herald a crown, but it can appear during an infection.

The doctor points out that she uses corticosteroids in her treatment and that they give satisfactory results, both “on a subjective level because the patient no longer has a sensation of dyspnea and on a lung scan, which cannot be done every month.”

– The body must have the opportunity to recover. A lung scan can be done every two to three months with the patient’s permission, after which your result is compared to a lung scan after leaving the hospital, he adds.

He points out that it is important to do an ultrasound of the heart, because in some patients there are palpitations of the heart and high blood pressure, but also problems with the central nervous system that require an evaluation by a neurologist.

– I advise all patients suffering from active covid not to stop taking probiotics that strengthen local immunity in the intestines. The good bacteria in the gut are very important. Probiotics can’t harm and do a lot of good, said the doctor.

With the advice of a doctor, whether with the help of exercises, corticosteroids, or probiotics, you should slowly reduce the amount of worsening in your lungs.

What do you need to know about the rainbow?

The mentioned local immunity in the intestines is related to the long covid formation mechanism, which has not yet been investigated.

– One of the theories says that viral particles can stay in the small intestine from where they can occasionally – but it is not yet known, because very little time has passed, they cause a worsening of the general condition or the body’s own cells provoke an autoimmune reaction – points out.

What exactly is a long kovid?

Dr. Radosaljevic says that it is first important to distinguish between active covid infection, recovery that occurs slowly, but also recovery that is characterized by phases of improvement and worsening, that is, a recovery that constantly “goes up and down” .

– So, there are patients who recover slowly, but the recovery is on an upward trajectory and those whose recovery is sinusoidal, begin to feel better and then there is a deterioration that includes a jump in the D-dimer, he tells us and adds that the covid long is not a symptom. Kovid infection is already a healing syndrome (symptom), during a long kovid the lungs recover.

– Refers to people who had a COVID a few months ago, and in whom recovery is slower and is accompanied by worsening and improvement of the condition. It is not an acute infection – he points out.

Recovery itself, he adds, depends on how much the infection initially affected the lungs and how slowly and in what way the changes in the lungs recede. He points out that the long covid includes not only the lungs, but also the heart, the central nervous system …

Hyperopia occurs in most patients who have had severe forms of the disease.

– Recovery is slow because even with common bacterial pneumonia, when antibiotics are given, the recovery process takes six months. It takes time for the lungs to recover. In kovid, it is much longer because the virus always passes through this organ, some less and others more damage – he says.

The damage to the lungs, he explains, is determined during the scan of this vital organ. The maximum number of damages is 25.

– If the result is 4/25, it means that it is a lighter shape, if the result is higher than 11 or 12/25, it is a more difficult shape that must be treated in the hospital. How the lungs will heal depends on how damaged they are, he notes.

How common is long kovid?

– From 30 to 40 of my patients, three or four of them have classic signs of long kovid. Most of them are slowly but surely recovering, reveals Dr. Radosavljević.

The doctor also explains to us if there are any signs that may indicate that the virus has spread to the lungs.

– There are such signals, it is the oxygen level in the blood that is measured from the finger with a pulse oximeter and rapid breathing. If you have 12-16 breaths per minute, that’s normal breathing, if those values ​​are 20-25, that’s a sign that you have to go to the hospital where they will take pictures of your lungs – he says.

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