SHOCKING DATA FROM DR KONA Infected in Belgrade 10 times more than the numbers say, WORSHIP IS BEGINNING IN SCHOOLS, and this is what it says about NEW MEASURES


Epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon said today that the current epidemiological situation in the capital is such that the number of infected people is 10 times higher than the figures say, and that Belgrade will be the place from where the virus will spread to other countries. .

He affirmed that we are in the week in which Vir is very active in the capital, and that it will be the same next week.

Worsening of the situation also in schools

– We are in the week when the virus is very active in Belgrade, it will also be so next week, regardless of the figures. We still have a trend for further deterioration. We have twice as many enrolled in schools as in previous weeks and we are seeing a decline there. Belgrade is currently the place where the virus will spread to other countries, and that will endure. The number of cases must be multiplied by 10. It is very asymptomatic – said Dr. Kon as a guest on the morning show “RTS” and added.

As he says, we have an unfavorable situation in Belgrade with a tendency to remain and possibly to get worse.

– What is an indication of something good is the fact that we had a maximum of 980 infected a few days ago, and yesterday we had 943. That stagnation, not to go from one day to the next, is encouraging – he said.

“An uncomfortable situation awaiting a legal framework for action”

He noted that the situation in which a legal framework is expected to allow the adoption of measures is “quite unpleasant.”

– This situation is unpleasant when we are waiting for the legal framework and we have to propose somewhat stricter measures. We are talking about the entertainment industry, where people gather in places where they stay up late at night, music is played at full volume. When the music is loud, you speak louder, the virus is secreted much more, it is not the same as when you are sitting in peace – explains

“I am not alone in crisis personnel”

He said that he was not alone in the Crisis Team, that it was a collective body that would decide the measures together in the period to come.

– We cannot allow hospitals to fill up and we have no place to house people, we must tighten them as the influx is reduced. Regarding the legal framework, I do not know if people think that we are sitting there with crossed arms, everything that the epidemiologists of the group “United against covids” mention agrees with everything, but that is already a topic, I have not heard one single proposal without we have not considered it already – affirms.

Dr. Kon believes that punishment for failure to comply with epidemiological measures was not an insurmountable problem.

– There was resistance to punishing those who should have done it. They gave evidence that they worked, nothing can be done against the evidence. I don’t go out much, I don’t move, I respect what I say, but photos come to me and my friends send me what happens. The whole truth is that a lot of people respect the measurements, so even this leveling, if it happens, will show that people respect the measurements – he noted.

“Wear masks”

He said the most important thing is to wear a mask.

– Don’t make fun of people wearing masks, transfer it to crisis personnel. I want people to understand that the mask is very important and that it is important not to be in conditions where the music is loud, where the procession lasts until late at night, where more is sung – concludes Dr. Kon.

VIDEO: Night party at Belgrade club “Lafayette” despite ban due to crown
