SHOCK VIDEO IN THE COURIER WATCH 2 YOUNG PEOPLE TAKE A BODY FROM A BUILDING IN A COTTAGE Barefoot, they went out into the street in the middle of the night and left it on the street


The body of a young man in his 30s was found yesterday in front of a residential building in Kotež, and security cameras filmed two people removing the body from the building and leaving it in front of it.

It turns out that after reviewing the video, the police determined who were the people who removed the body.

There were no traces of violence on the body of the deceased young man, and according to unofficial information from the investigation, it is most likely that he died from an excessive amount of narcotics. It is suspected that after that, his friends removed the body and left it.

The tragedy was discovered yesterday morning when tenants saw the body and then called the police.

photo: Kurir Television

According to sources in the investigation, they were in an apartment in the building.

– They were drugged as usual, it is not yet known what exactly happened then, but most likely the young man took an overdose, and they took him out to the front because they did not know what to do with him – says the source.

As we learned, they left the young man’s body in the parking lot and returned to the apartment where they were captured when the police arrived at the scene.

An investigation is underway to determine what exactly happened.


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Author: delivery courier
