Shock figure again! 3,499 newly infected, 17 deaths


LAST CROWN SECTION: Shock figure again!  3,499 newly infected, 17 deaths

Photo: Profimedia, Zorana Jevtić, Printscreen

In the last 24 hours, 14,116 citizens were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, of which 3,499 tested positive.

Unfortunately, 17 patients died.

There are currently 158 patients on ventilators in Serbian hospitals.

photo: print screen

We remind you that the reforms to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases entered into force today at exactly 2:00 p.m.

The Serbian Parliament has previously adopted amendments to the Law, which represents a legal framework for measures and procedures that will better keep coronavirus epidemics under control and prevent significant negative consequences.

Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar declared today after meeting with the directors of Kovid hospitals in Serbia that the health system is oversold. Loncar confirmed that the Serbian Government is considering new measures at the proposal of the Crisis Staff.

After yesterday’s crisis staff session, epidemiologist Predrag Kon released the list of proposed measures to the Government of Serbia.

– It is essential that all the measures that have been adopted so far are respected. The second thing we suggest is that masks are mandatory indoors, but also outdoors, especially in pedestrian areas. We have suggested that the facilities where the infection occurs, which are mainly nightclubs, not work after 6pm Mainly referring to nightclubs. It is a fixed term of two weeks. The term measure would mean observing the effect of its effect after two weeks, Kon said.

The Institute of Occupational Medicine has already entered the covid system while the Institute of Rheumatology and the Special Hospital “St. Sava” enter tonight. According to Loncar, the Serbian Clinical Center is looking for a solution to convert another of the clinics into a kovid hospital.


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Author: delivery courier
