19.03.2021. 15:22 – 19.03.2021. 15:30
No more.

Dragan Djilas, Photo: print screen
On Twitter, the failed radio host Igor Brakus advised Djilas to join the SNS due to a sociological experiment to see if the attacks against him would stop at that time.
Djilas jokingly replied: yes, so you should arrest me and say that you are clearing your ranks of criminals!
He even laughed at his statement, seemingly unaware that he had admitted that he was a criminal.
We remind you that a detailed investigation established that Dagan Djilas has about 10 million euros of money, whose origin must be investigated urgently. His secret accounts in Mauritius, Switzerland and Hong Kong have been revealed.
As a result of everything revealed by the State, the Anti-Money Laundering Authority has carried out activities to collect data, information and documentation in the country and abroad in order to verify important financial intelligence that indicates suspicions of money laundering, evasion tax and real estate concealment by legal and natural persons associated with the company Ascanius LTD and Dragan Djilas.
Dragan Djilas, Photo: print screen