SHIT IN HAREM! Jelena bin Drai answers brutal calls about marrying a SHEIK in Dubai and STOPING everyone’s mouth


SHIT IN HAREM! Jelena bin Drai answers brutal calls about marrying a SHEIK in Dubai and STOPING everyone's mouth

Photo: Print Screen / Instagram

Former Miss Jelena bin Drai has lived in Dubai for many years with her husband Sheikh Said bin Drai and their children. Many commented on her life negatively, Jelena has now decided to publicly answer the calls.

Jelena bin Drai has publicly posted some negative comments on her account.

“The poor woman in the harem”, “You don’t have to be pretty when your husband always has a new and prettier one. What’s her number?”

The Serbian beauty answered everyone who sent her those calls.

photo: print screen / Instagram

“Proverbs and sayings are part of everyday speech, expressions of great experience, always carry instruction and a sign of social and moral behavior. These are the wisdoms that come from people who are always accepted as true. This collection, like all the others Pieces of folk art such as my favorite “faith sold for dinner” is clear proof of how deeply religious these people are, how to say, how simple, beautiful, and sublime, and often sailing simply conveys a sense of humor without ever having heard talk about the rules by which thoughts are combined into beautiful words and words, “Jelena wrote, adding:

photo: print screen / Instagram

“Proverbs, sayings and riddles embellish the richness of the spirit and the extraordinary sense of humor and satire. Some pieces of folk art are a form of popular literature that has been in the nation for a long time, and is still used today in the century XXI among individuals, here it is. You have drunk me with a song, good night, players, they have touched my soul. “

Курир.рс / М.М.

Delivery courier

Author: Delivery courier
