11.21.2020. 19:50 – 21.11.2020. 20:44

Olivera and Djordje Balasevic, Photo: Facebook screenshot
At the time when Olivera Balašević, wife of the Novi Sad singer-songwriter, studied and lived in the house, he, as she says, often sang under her window, and they did not hide their great love, from then until today. However, at first, there were some attempts to influence from the outside, as Djole sarcastically explained.
In the student room where young Olivera from Zrenjanin lived then, today there is a sign on the front door “Until I land in the student hall … Olja and Đole Balašević, June 1, 1979”. Because that’s where the most beautiful love story began …
– My mother had a very bad emotional time going to Novi Sad and being alone, she even suggested that I look for a child. He had a roommate, Vesna, from Čačak. I met many people who I am still in contact with today, said Olja Balašvić in an interview.
Soon a boy appeared in his life, a well-known singer-songwriter from Salajka at that time, and his student life Đordje Balašević merged into the song “Provincijalka”.
– He claims that the song is related to this room. I know I was reading class notes at the table, preparing for the test, and would often look out the window waiting for her to show up. There were no cell phones then, so Đole whistled under the window. That whistle is still used today when we wander somewhere in a city or a shopping mall. When I heard his whistle, he ran down the hall at the speed of light to see it, so that song told it in a very cute way – said Olivera.
At the time when Olivera was studying and living in the dormitory, Balašević, as he said several times, was playing soccer with the dormitory tenants in the courtyard of the nearby school, and their love was soon met.
– From the beginning, it was a very public love and the only one in the world. However, there were also those who met me on the street and said, “Why are you dragging that girl?” And there were several scenes – Djole was a bit mysterious.
When he went on vacation to Umag, he realized that he missed her, called her from the hotel reception and asked her to marry him. She didn’t even have time to answer, and he sat on the golf course and drove to Zrenjanin.
They got married in 1981, but they didn’t have a big wedding because the singer’s mother passed away a year earlier. One of the saddest periods in Balašević’s life was after the birth of his daughter Jovana.
How strong their love is is demonstrated by the incredible gesture when Djole posted all the billboards around Novi Sad with a special message more than 15 years ago, to congratulate his wife on her birthday.
The billboards read: “Ah, the penultimate day of April … Happy birthday dear.”
As Olivera said, there were no signs of such surprise that morning. He sat on his bike, went to the market and there were billboards all over the city just around him.
Olivera Balašević entered her seventh decade of life, and in addition to her perfect appearance, no one would give her that year.
Every now and then he advertises on social media, and when he does, the comments don’t stop pouring in, so he made a real mess with the last post, and you can see what it’s about HERE.