She sent an emotional message to her father! Janjuš addressed his wife, and this is what was written in the letters!


MAJA CANNOT JUSTIFY SUCH: She sent an emotional message to her father! Janjuš addressed his wife, and this is what was written in the letters!

Photo: Sonja Spasić, ATA images

Members of the cooperative wrote letters to families. Maja Marinković and Marko Janjušević Janjuš, who are at the center of the scandal these days, said this to their loved ones.

photo: print screen

Maja wrote an extensive letter that was for her father Takija, and she apologized to him almost all the time.

“Taki! I miss you so much! I would write anything to you, but you know everything yourself, you know me very well. I’m sorry if I made some mistakes that you didn’t like for sure, but what it is, there it is. I know you certainly don’t you are happy when i am sad you are sometimes stronger than me i will try to be as positive as possible from now on you know i cant fool myself how i feel this is how i act i would love to get a call but if that doesn’t it happens, for birthday please write everything you think But really what you think, do not soften anything for me That is the best for me The cake that you sent to Iva is also for me a sign that you are with me and that you understand me, congratulations They haven’t arrived but I’m reading between the lines. It’s difficult for me, but I’m not going to suffer. I will endure it to the end, you know me! I hope you hear from Maya and that everything is as it should be, tell her that I love her very much. Deki tell me that I love him and that he doesn’t bother And we will read the newspaper together when it comes out. You know I love you more, and once again apologies if something is not right. Soon it will be my birthday, organize it as we agreed and then tell me everything as it is. I can’t wait to hear you, I see, you know everything yourself. Don’t be mad, everything will be fine. I love you and I love you more in the world. Tu Maya “, said the letter.

photo: print screen

On the other hand, Janjuš dedicated the letter to his wife Eni and daughter Kruna.

“I love you nncssvzinv .. Just wait, when you are well, I will be too. I love you”, wrote Janjuš, and also drew a drawing that probably represents him, his wife Ena and daughter Kruna, as well as a big heart and two little ones. for him, in which are the letters K (crown) and E (Ena). / М.М.

Delivery courier

Author: Delivery courier
