She married for her father’s debts, Radovan was her comfort, but he judged her FOR THIS


SAD DESTINY OF JASMINA DEAD IN BARIC: She married because of her father's debts, Radovan was her consolation, but he judged her FOR THIS

Photo: Tamara Trajković, Printscreen Facebook

Jasmina L., who was allegedly stabbed to death at her home in Baric on Wednesday by her lover, Radovan R, an official of the NGO Koceljevo, had a sad fate because her father, while still a child, practically married her to the son of a man to whom he owed. money.

“Jasmina was the most beautiful in our area. She had a boyfriend with whom she had fun in her youth. However, her father got into financial trouble and started to borrow money from the L. family in the neighboring town of Draginja”, acquaintances told Blic. her family.

Seeing that he did not have the money to pay off the debt with that family, Jasmina’s father decided to give his daughter instead of money.

“They agreed that Jasmina would marry that L.’s son from whom his father borrowed money. She was very unhappy in that marriage because she did not marry the man she wanted. She was looking for love, attention and most likely that is how she met her. and Radovan in his hometown, “added the source.

Radovan was a family man, despite rumors in the village that he was prone to affairs with women. He lived with his wife and children, but after meeting Jasmina, he left home.

Jasmina’s fate is similar. She lived with her husband, who was practically imposed on her by her father. She was unhappy. She met Radovan in her hometown and started seeing her …

“About a month or two ago, the two of them started living together. She works at the Serbian Clinical Center and he worked in the municipality as a public procurement officer. However, Jasmina seems to have changed her mind and returned to her husband. After all, Radovan. “Judging, he couldn’t accept that, so he killed her,” insiders say.

On Wednesday night, Radovan drove to the house in Baric where Jasmina lived. With the help of a ladder, she climbed to the terrace, jumped the fence and entered the room. She grabbed a knife and after a brief discussion, she was stabbed to death.

Then, according to unofficial information, he returned to Sabac, where he tried to commit suicide. After being prevented from doing so, he told the police that he had killed Jasmina in Baric.

Neighbors in his hometown, after the news of the murder and suicide attempt was revealed, were shocked because, as they said, they know Radovan in a completely different way.

“He has always been a kind and polite gentleman. It is simply incredible that he is capable of doing something like that,” commented in the neighborhood.

Among the neighbors, you could hear that Radovan, at least at first glance, was a family man, he lived with his wife with whom he had children. Because of Jasmina, he left the family home, but, according to unofficial information, he was not formally divorced.


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