“My blood pressure rose, my legs swelled, my knees and spine ached, and after a short walk I got very tired. I weighed 115 kilograms and the impression that my life, although very young, was fading slowly, “he says. Aleksandra Dimitrijević (27), a doctor from Niš, who lost 50 kilograms in less than two years.
The battle with food and excess weight began as a child.
– I’ve been struggling with this problem my whole life. Before this weight loss, I was on the UN diet, which I followed in high school, and it was effective when I met it, so in three months, while the diet lasted, I lost 20 kilograms. However after that I started to gain weight again and the weight came back.
Due to being overweight, he suffered several inconveniences.
– The school children made fun of me, often called me derogatory nicknames, and I suffered a lot in silence. Also, I couldn’t find the correct amount of clothes that I liked, so I put on what I had to, and not what I liked, which was devastating for me – says Aleksandra, a pathology specialist at the Nis Clinical Center.
115 kilograms overflowed the class The turning point was exactly two years ago when she stepped on the scale, and the 115 kilogram figure made her dizzy.
– I went to the store to buy jeans and bought the number 48. I was surprised, but on the other hand, it was a key moment for me to open my eyes and realize that I am in big trouble that I can no longer push under the carpet – says.
Being a doctor by profession, she decided to create a diet of her own that will help her shed excess weight.
– The diet was not a classic diet, but a new diet when I still adhere to it to a greater extent. And yes, I came up with it myself, and I came up with the idea because I thought I knew better what I liked and what I didn’t like – says Aleksandra.
His menu was such that he had oatmeal with fruit every morning, lunch included meat, vegetables, salad, a piece of spelled flour, while dinner was light, mostly a salad with egg or low-fat cheese or yogurt with bread. spelled. flour.
– I eliminated sweets, sandwiches, pasta, cakes from my diet, I did not drink juices, alcohol, and I did drink coffee and tea, but without sugar. My last meal was at 6 pm – Aleksandra explains.
At first it was difficult for him because he had to get used to not eating everything he had usually consumed until then. Remember that for the first two weeks, she was nervously constantly hungry.
– The most difficult thing for me was seeing other people enjoy eating everything that I couldn’t, so self-control was crucial at that time, military. I was very happy that finally, despite all the difficulties, I did something that had a good effect on my health, which is the most important thing in this whole process.
The first six like 66 kilograms. After a month, he lost six kilograms. That first step she took was, she says, the most difficult for her, but also the happiest.
I lost six, but felt like I had lost 66 pounds. It motivated me so much that I had no chance to give up. Needless to say, I was very happy. I felt relieved, literally as if the whole world was in my palm, because I finally made it – says Aleksandra.
At first, she did not engage in physical activity because she was too tired. Her weight was too much, she was out of shape. But when the scale showed 88 kilograms, she also went to the gym.
– At first it was difficult, I could barely catch my breath during training, but after a month I got used to it, I adjusted, so I was in better shape every time. Today I walk 10 kilometers without problems, walking and training without problems.
Throughout this process, she was more motivated by the desire for health, for a happier life, because with the extra kilos she felt limited, as if, she says, those kilos were dragging her back.
“Also, I was motivated by my mother, who went to the gym with me and always encouraged me,” he says.
Today Aleksandra weighs 65 kilograms, has practically been cut in half and is delighted.
– I am satisfied with my life, I feel fulfilled, relieved, because I got rid of the shackles I was in due to obesity.
And to everyone struggling with the same problem, it says one thing.
– Set yourself a clear goal, make a decision and don’t give up. You have to believe in yourself and be persistent on that difficult path full of ups and downs and the results are sure not to be lost.
Alexandra’s diet
Breakfast: a handful of oatmeal with a banana and a glass of water (250 ml), all prepared in a blender
Lunch: a plate of chicken broth, 100-150 g of grilled chicken, 100 g of grilled vegetables and a salad of a tomato and half an onion with a little olive oil, a piece of spelled bread
Snack: Apple
Dinner: Salad of a cucumber, a tomato, an onion, 50 g of skim cheese, boiled egg, a glass of yogurt

Breakfast: a handful of oatmeal with two peaches and a cup of milk, prepared in a blender
Lunch: 100 g of grilled fish with the addition of lemon juice and very few spices, a handful of boiled broccoli, a handful of boiled corn, a salad of a cucumber, garlic and olive oil
Snack: banana
Dinner: a piece of spelled flour bread, a tomato, 50 g of skim cheese and a two-egg omelette prepared in olive oil

Breakfast: a handful of oatmeal with a larger orange, a glass of yogurt, prepared in a blender
Lunch: two tablespoons meatless cooked beans, coleslaw, a piece of spelled flour bread
Snack: 50 g raw almonds
Dinner: salad of 100 g of grilled garlic, a cucumber, a tomato, 50 g of olives, half a head of purple onion.
He drank two liters of water every day.

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