“SHE IS NOT GOOD, SHE WILL NEVER BE LIKE IT WAS” A dark-haired hairdresser tried again TO DECEIVE THE COURT


“Our son is in such a state that he will never be the same again, it is obvious that he has a trauma. It is not true at all that the child is well, not well, and for this man the court must make a decision that is authoritative, deserved. “

With these words, after today’s hearing in which a twelve-year-old girl from Suvo Dol near Nis spoke for the first time in court, for whose kidnapping and abuse Ninoslav Jovanović, better known as the Barber of Malča, was accused, spoke his grandfather Miodrag S.

– In this situation, it is not clear to me what the judiciary is that cannot decide on such a criminal and pedophile, who is not sane at all. Why is this situation prolonged if everything is discussed on paper, that it is simply not possible to make an authoritative and deserved decision? The girl’s grandfather wondered.

Ninoslav JovanovićPhoto: RAS Serbia

Ninoslav Jovanović

Translated strokes of a cunning monster

By the way, the Malča barber, accused of abducting and abusing a twelve-year-old girl from Suvi Do near Niš, tried to postpone today’s hearing, as he did last time, complaining of health problems, but the court rejected his request. to which the abused girl testified through the link.

– The main trial was held in the case of the defendant Ninoslav Jovanović, the defendant requested an adjournment for the same health reasons as the previous time. The court did not accept the request for postponement, the main trial was held, the minor victim was questioned, who has the status of a particularly sensitive witness, according to the rules of the Criminal Procedure Code on interrogation of particularly sensitive witnesses, from a special chamber, in the presence of a Social Work Center. technical means for the transmission of image and sound. The next main test is scheduled for October 14, 2020. year at 11 o’clock – said the spokeswoman for the High Court of Nis, Irena Gusic.
