She is IN INTENSIVE CARE AND IN DIFFICULT CONDITION, we haven’t talked to her yet.


The parents of Milica Grbić (25), who was found this morning after a search that lasted more than 24 hours for her, said in a confession to “Blic” that they were happy that their daughter was found alive, but added that still they had not been with her. listened, because he is in a difficult situation and is in intensive care at the Serbian Clinical Center.

– We don’t know what exactly happened, believe us, or if she was attacked, but we do know that she is now in intensive care at the Clinical Center. We heard that she also had a head injury, but we do not know anything exactly because we did not talk to her … – Milica’s father told “Blic” a few hours after Milica was found in a car in the parking lot in front to hospital.

“She always answered the phone.”

Milica Grbić lives with her parents in the family home in Batajnica, and as they say, it never happened that she did not answer the phone.

Milica Grbić's motherPhoto: Snezana Krstic / RAS Serbia

Milica Grbić’s mother

– He always called even when he stayed longer somewhere and we always knew where he was. Believe me, we don’t know what exactly happened, we survived a lot of stress while thinking about what might happen to her – her mother told “Blic”.

His father also confirmed allegations that until the end of treatment and until Milica tells him, he does not know where he was and what he was doing at the time of his disappearance.

Her mother claims that in a phone conversation with a KSC doctor, she learned that Milica was sleeping and that she was in a very difficult mental state, but she hoped she would be fine.

“She’s sleeping and that’s why we couldn’t find out about her, but the doctors inform us of everything,” said her mother.

Milica Grbić's fatherPhoto: Snezana Krstic / RAS Serbia

Milica Grbić’s father

Let us remind you, Milica last called her mother at 10pm and told her mother to go to the Progar settlement to see her boyfriend, and after that her phone was not available.

– It was very strange for me, because when I called her after that she was not available, and then for a few moments she was available and rang and after that I could not call her again – said the mother.

She knew they were looking for her

Also, what arouses the suspicion of the parents is the statement that Milica gave the doctor.

– She doesn’t have an internet phone and when the doctor asked her, “Do you know the search is ongoing for you?”, She said she knew. Now we don’t know how he could have known it, where he could have read it, if his phone was off, the mother wonders.

We don’t think her ex-boyfriend hurt her

As Milica Grbić’s sister told “Blic” earlier, who believes that her ex-boyfriend, whom she reported for violence, has nothing to do with her disappearance, Milica’s father confirmed this information.

Incidentally, a misdemeanor report was filed against her ex-boyfriend from Surčin, NM (32), on suspicion that he abused and tortured her. After denouncing Milica’s disappearance, the police conducted an interview with NM at his home in Progar, who stated on that occasion that he had not seen or heard from Milica since June of this year.

– She had a problem with her ex-boyfriend, but we don’t think he could have hurt her now, he’s awaiting trial because she reported him. I think he’s only strong in words when he sent her those messages, but he didn’t hurt her. However, I don’t know again until she tells me what happened, her father says.

Missing militaryPhoto: Blic / RAS Serbia

Military missing

As a reminder, Milica was last seen in the Shanghai settlement of Batajnica, where she normally lives, where her father saw her in a shop. According to witnesses, she was seen in the center of Batajnica around 8 pm in the company of two men at a fast food kiosk. The witnesses also pointed out that one of them hugged her.

Her sister told “Blic” that after Milica’s discovery, doctors told her that she was in very bad shape, that she had even considered suicide and had visited monasteries.

– Milica supposedly said that during the time we were looking for her, she visited the monasteries and thought if she should commit suicide – M. told “Blic” today.
