Dragan Stanković (46) killed his mother Stanko (70) yesterday around 3pm with a pistol shot, and then shot himself with a shot from the same weapon. The family tragedy occurred in the Kotež settlement in Belgrade.
As we discovered, Stanka Stojković’s body was found in the house, while Dragan’s body was in a bush not far from the house.

They lived alone
– A neighbor was doing something in the house and heard a shot. It was then that the tragedy was discovered. Soon policemen and ambulances arrived, blocking the street and the house. Dragan first shot his mother, then went to a nearby, unpaved alley about 400 meters from the house, where he shot himself in the head, neighbors say.
According to them, Dragan and Stanka lived alone on the ground floor of the house, while Dragan’s brother and his family live upstairs.
– Your brother is not here at the moment, he works abroad. We were very touched by this, Dragan was extremely attached to his mother from a young age. They were a good and harmonious family, I often stayed at their house. I didn’t realize they were having fights, on the contrary, says an annoyed neighbor.
As he says, Dragan’s father died about ten years ago, and his mother got sick a few years ago, and he took care of her for years.

He did not marry
– The breakup has gone crazy lately and needed 24 hour care, he really struggled. Dragan cared for her with great love and attention. I guess he could no longer see his mother suffer and could not bear that pressure, so he decided to end the suffering for her and for himself. It is not easy to have a patient like this in the house, it is not to justify it, but I do not think she did it out of hatred – says the neighbor.
According to him, Dragan did not marry and did not work anywhere, and they lived on his pension.
– I saw him yesterday, three hours before I found out about the tragedy. He was wearing a green T-shirt, black pants, and a backpack on his back. He seemed relaxed, I didn’t realize he was upset or angry. He did not call me, because he did not see me, otherwise he would have greeted me for sure – says the neighbor and adds that he does not know where Dragan got the weapon, which he possessed illegally.
“He probably got it on purpose to do what he did,” he adds.
As a teenager he cut his veins
A neighbor of the mother and son says that Dragan had mental problems.
– As a teenager, he tried to commit suicide, I guess he cut his wrists. His parents have been constantly caring for him ever since, and Stanka has changed a bit since then, he has become unstable. She spent her working life in the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund, and her husband worked as a janitor, says a neighbor.
She set the whole pension on fire
Neighbors say they heard that Stanka recently set the entire pension on fire.
– I don’t know why he did it, probably because of that illness. Dragan would probably no longer be able to see it – says our interlocutor.
Kurir.rs/ Jelena Rafailović Photo: Nemanja Nikolić

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