The entire public in Serbia stood up after Vrsac’s Stasa Ivkovic (21) discovered that there were numerous groups on the Telegram where men, without permission, shared explicit photos of ex-girlfriends.
Support for Stasa and other girls who posted the truth about revenge porn and dark groups, which Kurir wrote about, was also provided by a Twitter user who also filed a criminal complaint against the administrator of those creepy groups.
– I filed a criminal complaint against several unknown perpetrators who led and participated in these groups due to a well-founded suspicion that they committed various criminal acts that violate sexual freedom and the rights and freedoms of men and citizens. At least 50 of them contacted me with their stories of the past and present, and among them even one who is in a different state. They were blackmailed with recordings and fortographs, he tells Kutir Twitter, who wanted to remain anonymous due to the threats he receives.
The messenger located Nemanja Stojiljković, the founder of one such group, “Nišlijke”, which has some 24,000 members. Although many girls claim that the illegal posting of their phone numbers, addresses and photos ruined their lives, Stoiljković says in an exclusive interview with Kurir that he does not feel guilty.
– I just created the group “Nishlijka”, as administrator I did not upload anything. I don’t know why they consider me a maniac now, he claims, adding that the group has been around for two months. When we asked him if it was true that explicit photos of girls in the group were exchanged without his permission, he replied: – Yes, it was … However, there were certain rules. The fact that it is written that we publish content with minors and child pornography is absolutely false. That was strictly forbidden, as well as some mutilation of people and insults … The ban was mandatory for that.
You don’t see anything debatable in posting nude women’s pictures without your permission and knowledge. To our question whether the posting of such content bothered you for moral reasons, you reply:
– What do I have to do with that ?! I did not respect that. It should affect someone else’s conscience, not mine. I did the group for fun. The fact that others have sent me absolutely does not concern me, I followed all the rules of the group.
photo: Private Archive
This shocking statement, without a hint of empathy and remorse, also surprised Stasa Ivkovic:
– I can’t believe I don’t see anything wrong with endangering someone’s privacy, humiliating girls, boys and women. So many girls contacted me that, due to posting their private photos, they survived great trauma and were scarred for the rest of their lives. It is enough to found a group. How would you feel if your sister was in that group? Would it be fun and pure fun for him even then? this girl asks.
The “Nishlijke” group was closed.
photo: Printscreen RTS
We will find the perpetrators and punish them
Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin said yesterday that the Criminal Police Directorate (UKP) was ordered to investigate the case of the publication of photos and recordings of women on Telegram, and said that the police would find those who published it and that they would be punished.
– I spoke with the police director, Vladimir Rebić, and he, at my request, has already given the appropriate orders to the UKP to deal with this particular page – said Vulin adding that those who can trample on privacy and abuse someone’s trust cannot be called people.
– They will be object of our treatment, we will find them and we will punish them. In Serbian society, such a thing will not be tolerated.
photo: Shutterstock
SBPOK requests data from “Telegram”
The Interior Ministry announced that members of the Service for Combating Organized Crime (SBPOK) are taking all measures and actions to discover the crime and clarify the facts and circumstances related to the photos and video material that appeared in the groups in the “Telegram” application.
– By order of the Minister of the Interior Aleksandar Vulin and the Director of Police Vladimir Rebić, the members of SBPOK informed the competent Special Prosecutor for High-Tech Crimes about the specific case. The department of high-tech crimes, by order of the competent prosecutor’s office, will address, among other things, the company “Telegram” for the delivery of data, it is indicated in the announcement.
– 3 years in prison is the maximum penalty for publishing pornographic content with minors
– 2 years in prison is the maximum penalty for unauthorized publication of someone else’s content
– 1 year in prison is the maximum penalty for unauthorized filming and photography