“SHE ARRIVED AT THE HOSPITAL …” Milica was found in the parking lot in front of the Emergency Center, the nurse revealed WHERE SHE WAS TWO NIGHTS AND ALL DAY


Milica Grbić (25), who was found this morning in Belgrade after being searched for more than 24 hours, allegedly visited monasteries during that time and, as her sister says for “Blic”, was thinking of committing suicide.

– In the end, last night she drove her car to the parking lot of the Emergency Center, where she was found. She slept there … She said she was very ill – says Milica’s sister by “Blic”.

According to her sister’s story, Milica turned off the phone because she was visiting monasteries and thinking about committing suicide. In the end, however, he decided to seek medical help, so he headed to the Emergency Center. That, she says, is all the family knows for now about what happened while they searched for her.

Photo: Blic / RAS Serbia

– We didn’t hear from her, but they told us. We didn’t sleep the whole night, we were in chaos, but the most important thing for us was that they found her alive and well. The doctors told us that she was in a very difficult mental state and that she was very scared – says Milica’s sister M.

He adds that he will find out exactly what happened and where Milica was for two nights and a day, but that the most important thing is that they found her alive and well.

The family excludes the possibility that she was assaulted by the men with whom she was last seen, on October 6, around 8 pm

– Other than that troubled relationship with NM’s ex-boyfriend, Millica had no problems. We don’t think someone could have attacked her, but you never know … – he says.

She disappeared on October 6 and was found on the 8th in the parking lot of the Emergency Center.

Let us remind you, Milica disappeared on Tuesday October 6 in Batajnica and was last seen in the Shanghai neighborhood in a shop, where her father saw her. Witnesses saw her around 8 pm in downtown Batajnica in the company of two men at a fast food kiosk. The witnesses also pointed out that one of them hugged her.

At around 10 p.m. the same day, Milica called her mother and told her that she was going to the Progar settlement to see a child. After that, her phone was unavailable.

Milica’s family only noticed in the morning that Milica did not return home overnight. That day they went to the police station and reported his disappearance. Police immediately began a thorough search for the girl, numerous appeals circulated on social media and other people joined the search.

Milica was found around 4 a.m. in her car in the parking lot in front of the Emergency Center.

As soon as they found her, they took her to Urgentna for examination, where she is still there.

According to unofficial information, the girl is in a difficult mental state and the family has not yet seen her.

Love problem

A misdemeanor report was filed against NM (32) de Surčin, the ex-boyfriend of the missing Batajnica girl, Milica Grbić, on suspicion that he abused and tortured her.

The girl also reported him in June for blackmail, because, she claims, he threatened to publish her nude photos if he did not withdraw the complaint. However, the prosecutor decided that there were no elements of criminal act, so the man passed with a warning.

– This case is pending trial, but we do not believe that he was not involved in the disappearance of Milica – his sister told “Blic”.

After the report of the disappearance, the Police had a conversation with NM at his home in Progar, who stated on that occasion that he had not seen or heard from Milica since June of this year.

SOS Helpline for People Contemplating Suicide

The number 011 / 7777-000 is an SOS telephone that works 24 hours a day, and is attended by experts in suicide prevention – doctors from the “Dr Laza Lazarevic” Clinic for Psychiatric Diseases. The Emergency Psychiatry Service receives patients 24 hours a day without an appointment, without a book and without payment, and the Mental Health Center receives without an appointment from 9 to 18.

If you need help, you can call the volunteers of the “Srce” Center every day from 5 to 11 pm on the phone number 0800-300-303 or contact them by email at [email protected].

Volunteers talk to people who feel lonely, upset, hurt, sad, desperate, insecure …
