SHAMEFUL STATEMENT BY WILLIAM WALKER: Wants a new court just for Serbs, Vučić is also to blame for Racak


– In The Hague in the Netherlands, 21 years later, Serbian criminals who committed crimes in Racak and many other places in (so-called) Kosovo are not being tried, former KLA leaders have been brought to justice – said Walker.

For this reason, Walker criticized the Special Prosecutor’s Office.

– I have been criticizing the Special Prosecutor for some time. I said it was a bloody war and the genocide policy of 1998-1999. Many people in the government of Belgrade and Slobodan Milosevic have done terrible things in Kosovo. The government of Belgrade has treated many people with brutality and many people in that government are responsible for these acts. I often mention that the President of Serbia, Vučić, was a member of the government of Slobodan Milošević, and I am sure he was aware of what was happening in (so-called) Kosovo, Walker said.

The former US diplomat called on the international community to establish a tribunal to investigate the generals and ministers of Slobodan Milosevic’s government.

As for the indicted leaders of the KLA terrorist, Hashim Thaci, Kadri Veselji, Jakup Krasniqi and Recep Selimi, Walker says he has not seen any evidence implicating war crimes.

– I know all the people who were sent to The Hague, from the president to Kadri Veselji and Jakup Krasniqi. I didn’t see any evidence from the court. They are required to present evidence to see if they can prove their guilt in these circumstances. I have no comment on what the outcome might be, because I have not seen the evidence or heard the arguments, Walker said.

The last time Walker was in the so-called he visited Kosovo in January this year and on that occasion on the twenty-first anniversary of the massacre.

(Kosovo online)

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