SHAMEFUL Sick girl targeted by online scam, mother for months unable to cope with the most serious abuse of a child


We are increasingly witnessing abuse on social networks. Therefore, someone inappropriately played with the fate of the sick girl Andrijana from nearby Paraćin and tried to earn money while still fighting with this family.

A photo of her on a sickbed appeared on the Internet under a false name where money is sought for her treatment. The reaction of the High Technology Crime Prosecutor’s Office is still pending.

Ivana Đokić from Plana near Paraćin was very upset when, after warning her friends on social media, she saw a photo of her sick little girl and that someone else was asking for money, allegedly for her treatment.

Andrijana, she says, is not Sonja, as it is written on the portal where the help is collected. The age of the child is also not exact. The only thing that is certain is that she suffers from brain cancer, says Ivana, writes “RTS.”

– They literally stole a photo from the Paracin portal. My daughter’s name is Andrijana Petrović, they changed her first and last name, put Sonja Aleksić and asked for help – says Ivana Đokić, the mother of the sick girl.

Photo: RTS / screenshot

The owner of the fake profile asks to be paid for the help, because the boy has cancer, is receiving therapy and is in pain.

Djokic notes that she personally took the abused photo.

Ivana immediately reported the case to the police, hoping that the fake profile with her son’s photo would be removed immediately, but that was not done even after two months.

That did not happen, the mother even thinks that the fake profile is marketed on the Internet, because a sufficient number of followers is required.

So far, the mother has not sought help for treatment.

Đokić notes that since her son was diagnosed with the disease in 2014, she has not asked for help.

It says they need help, but not someone abusing someone else’s identity and asking for money. He adds that Andrijana is in a stable condition.

The Paracin police referred the case and the evidence to the High Technology Crime Prosecutor’s Office. So far, there are no comments on the stage of the procedure.

The lawyers representing Iván believe that this is a criminal act of fraud, but that there may also be elements of other criminal acts. It is up to, they say, the prosecutor to determine. The mother is impatient and upset that everything is taking too long.
