SHAME! Professor Stojanović avoided SACRIFICE IN SCHOOL CLASS, and now THERE IS NO JOB for him in his native Velika Plana


“It is a pity that there was no will and audience for me in Velika Plana, that the principals of the elementary schools are filling the vacancies. I am leaving, I am leaving my class, now IV / 3, unfortunately, I will not be with them in the graduation exam … “

With these words, Slavoljub Stojanović (43), Velika Plana’s physical education teacher, begins his confession for “Blic”, a hero who defeated Goran Todorović on November 22, who broke into a class at the School of Economics and Catering Vuk Karadžić in Velika Plana. and aimed at students III / 3. Stojanović broke into the class of the department where he was a teacher, seized the moment when Todorović looked away and jumped on the rifle to kidnap him. The students left the classroom and the teacher managed to defeat Todorović and hold him until the police arrived.

For this heroic act at the hands of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, at the Encounter, he received the Gold Medal for Courage, and the Ministry of Education awarded him the Saint Sava Prize. And while he was praised by everyone from the top of the state, his feet were planted in the bar, more precisely in the Velika Plana schools, where there is still no work for him. More precisely, he has only 20 percent, at the primary school “Academic Radomir Lukić” in Miloševac, while for the rest of the classes, necessary for the norm, he had to go to the school in neighboring Smederevska Palanka.

Slavoljub Stojadinović disarmed the armed attacker from Velika Plana's schoolPhoto: RAS Serbia

Slavoljub Stojadinović disarmed the armed attacker from Velika Plana’s school

– I have been working for a while for more than 17 years. This was also the case with the Velika Plana School of Economics and Restoration. In March, I received a permanent contract from the Ministry of Education, with a standard of 20 percent of primary school classes in Milosevic. After that, the principals of the elementary schools in Verlika Plana, I claim, covered up the jobs for the physical education teachers. In “Dositej” (information system in which vacancies in schools are published, note a.) They state that there are no vacancies. They cover class funds, save jobs for reasons known only to them – Professor Stojanović told “Blic”.

Since he was unable to fill the class fund in the Velika Plana territory, he was forced to find out where there were vacancies in neighboring municipalities. And he found it at the primary school “Hero Radmila Šišković” in Smederevska Palanka.

– I wrote to them and received 75% of the classes, indefinitely. When I got the job, even Nikola Vučen, president of the Smederevska Palanka municipality, called me. I was amazed that there was no work for me in my native Velika Plana. I should not be ashamed of that, but of Velika Plana’s: the professor is a categorical hero.

And those of Velika Plana are the principals of the elementary schools, which, as he points out, have not changed since 2000.

– I would ask the Minister of Education to send independent controllers to establish what is being done in the schools, who is filling the vacancies. And that all those who violated the law be relieved of their duties – believes Stojanović.

He adds that he regrets not being in the final exam with his class, now high school graduates.

– Unfortunately, I could not influence that, and let others evaluate if they have sinned against me – says prof. Stojanovic.

No recommendation

Stojanović is a long-time member of the Serbian Progressive Party, but even the heroic act did not recommend him to the leaders of this party at the local to put him on the board’s list.

– There were three physical education teachers on the list, friends from the home of the president of the municipality of Velika Plana, Igor Matković. When asked at the Belgrade headquarters why he was not on the list, he said he did not want to get involved in politics. My friend from high school just wanted to take me, says Stojanović.

Photo: Aleksandar Slavković / RAS Serbia

“Blic” also invited Igor Matković, president of the municipality of Velika Plana.

– I don’t even know why you ask me that! Stojanović is a member of the SNS, was on the Staro Selo Local Board and is now in the city. I am the president of the Lozovik Local Board, who proposed me for the board list. People recognized that we worked well, I was elected to the municipal assembly and then as president of the municipality – says Matković.

VIDEO: Factory “Combat Complex Systems” Velika Plana
