Sevarlic: after the doctorate plagiarism, it was the turn of the plagiarism of the hunger strike – Politika


Four members of the Serbian Parliament continued their hunger strike in front of the National Assembly Chamber, and independent parliamentarian Miladin Sevarlic, who was the first to start the strike, said today that after the “doctorate plagiarism” was “plagiarism of the hunger strike”.

Sevarlic: After the doctorate plagiarism, it was the turn of the plagiarism of the hunger strike 1Miladin Sevarlic photo: Beta / Luka Filipovic

When asked how he felt after more than 20 hours on strike, Sevarlic, who is a retired teacher, said “like a young man” because he is fighting sincerely.

He told FoNet that the Kosovo issue is a crucial issue and that he is considering staying in this process between the government and the opposition, who are not on strike over the issue.

Dveri President Boško Obradović told FoNet that he feels good and that for Christians who know fasting, a stricter fast is not something that can bother them.

Sevarlic: after the doctorate plagiarism, it was the turn of the plagiarism of the hunger strike 2
Boško Obradović is on strike in front of the Assembly Photo: Beta / Luka Filipović

When asked if he was thinking of how to calm the tensions in which he is also involved, Obradović said the incidents only lead to more civil conflict and that he wanted to “sit at a table and speak” in a “Gandhian and Christian” way. He said that the hunger strike may be the last form of non-violent struggle to overcome the crisis.

Obradović reiterated that he is asking for a postponement of the elections, because they are epidemiologically risky, unconstitutional and undemocratic since yesterday. When asked about his statement that he would not be part of the “weak” Alliance for Serbia, Obradovic said that he used a harsher word than he should, that he considered the passive boycott to be dead and unsuccessful and that it they needed concrete measures of civil disobedience.

The head of the SNS parliamentary group, Aleksandar Martinović, and the deputy Sandra Božić also said they were fine and asked that the prosecution be announced. He said they are not putting pressure on the prosecution, but they want to announce the incident on Friday.

“We are not asking that the prosecution be on anyone’s side, but that the violence be stopped and that all citizens be equal before the law,” Martinović said, adding that they would have reacted the same way if Boško Obradović had been beaten.

Sevarlic: after the doctorate plagiarism, it was the turn of the plagiarism of the hunger strike 3
Maja Gojković in front of the Assembly with Aleksandar Martinović and Sandra Božić who are on hunger strike Photo: FoNet / Anđelija Stojković

He said the prosecution should not remain silent, that he can say that nothing happened, that Marijan Risticevic attacked Obradovic and that he assessed that Obradovic attacked Risticevic with hooligans.

When asked if it is normal for him and what kind of image is sent when four deputies go on strike on the steps of the Assembly, Martinović said that only he and Bozić are on a hunger strike. When asked if it is a happy country where parliamentarians have to sit on the steps of the assembly, he said that everything is better than violence.

“De Gaulle said that it is not easy to manage a country that produces 469 types of cheese, Serbia is similar to France in that regard.” We have a strange temperament and temperament and not a very simple political culture. It is important that not all politicians are put in the same basket, “said Martinović. The President of the Assembly, Maja Gojković, visited the SNS deputies.

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