SESELJ WARNED WHAT IS PREPARED: The Americans advance towards Vucic, three “fronts” against Serbia (VIDEO)


Seselj believes that Madeleine Albright’s reappearance is a message that the old policy towards Serbia will continue.

– Server is a professor at a prestigious university and Bugajski is an influential thinker. Albright and Engel are classic Albanian mercenaries. They are all very influential in America. The Serbs are waiting for new temptations, the campaign will come from Europe and its surroundings, to recognize the so-called Kosovo, to abolish the Republika Srpska and overthrow Vučić because now he has personally become an obstacle. He skillfully maneuvered diplomatically with great force, he played with a rope as they say and he succeeded during these eight years. Now it’s going to be difficult. The Americans are preparing a new leader of the pro-European opposition. He didn’t believe me until he heard that from Albright. The Americans will choose a candidate for the presidential elections, they will give a lot of money and they will go to overthrow Vučić – says Seselj.

He thinks Djordjevic, Djilas and Jeremic don’t stand a chance.

– Djordjevic is like a Russian man, and he bought an FSB badge in Moscow on the street, if someone from the Russian secret service saw him with that, they would still beat him. It was canceled when he stated that Vučić received 1000 dollars for the citizens of Serbia, but did not distribute it but kept it for himself. I have not heard anything crazier from Mladjan Dinkic, who lied saying that he would share 1000 euros for Tadic to win the election. The Dosmanlije lied and destroyed everything and the few factories we had, stole gold, stole everything – says Seselj.

The leader of the radicals claims that Vučić focused all his attention on himself.

– Many things depend on Vučić and he got into that situation. He was supposed to entrust tasks to other staff members, review them, then correct them and give them a chance. He put himself in the center and everything goes to him. He will betray him. There are honorable people in the government, but also dangerous. Zorana Mihajlović has evil in her eyes, she is making incidents, you saw what she did to Bajatović, when her security threw him out. You cannot humiliate people like that, you must be nice, I am kind to everyone and arrogant to rude and traitors. I sympathize with all our people who live hard and with the poor – said Seselj.

Seselj says that Russia can protect Serbia, but we must do more in the direction of rapprochement.

– The Americans have a base on the territory of Serbia, so that should also be possible for the Russians – says Seselj.


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