Twenty years have passed since the death of Belgrade District Court Judge Nebojsa Simeunovic, who on October 3, 2000 refused to obey state leaders and signed arrest warrants for a Kolubara miners strike committee that was they rebelled against Slobodan Milosevic. He was last seen a month after this incident, and his body was found on December 3 of that year on the bank of the Danube between the “Jugoslavija” hotel and Ušće.
On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the judge’s death, his sister, Jelena Simeunović announced, and her obituary published in a newspaper will sicken many politicians who came to power after October 5.
We are broadcasting the obituary in its entirety.
“On the threshold of the new century and the new millennium, the monsters of the State Security killed my only brother, in one of their private prisons, injected ammonia into his ears and then threw his body into the river, just because they are the most fateful days for Serbia on October 3, 2000. He refused to sign the bloodthirsty order of the Grand Inquisitor, the executioner, the tyrant and the prosecution, and arrested the miners of Kolubara, strictly respecting the law and following his conscience.
The plan was hellish. The Kolubara miners would be arrested, then the executioner would impose a state of emergency, and then the arrests of the acquaintances and the unknown would follow. The lists were made, the tanks were launched and Serbia would swim in blood.
In the hands of the executioner were all the institutions of the country of Serbia, including the media, finance, the market, the black market, the Supreme Council of Defense, State Security, the police, the prosecution, the free zones, the subsoil, the surface, the air, the land, the territorial waters, the coastal zone, absolutely everything. No one but the executioner dared even think of making his own independent decision. The executioner left a long time ago, the executioner’s security services and the executioner’s seizures remained.
And when the news spread through the speed light that Judge Simeunović refused to sign the Grand Inquisitor’s bloodthirsty order a second time, and after an arrogant and intimidating call from the police general, the tanks withdrew. and they returned to the barracks.
The general-executioner of the police, the favorite police general of the married couples, one of the main ones in eradicating the traces of refrigerators throughout the country of Serbia, stood out especially in the most morbid police operation “Depth II”, under orders of the Grand Inquisitor, the executioner, send to a “deserved” retirement.
My brother not only saved the lives of the Kolubara miners, my brother saved Serbia.
“Unforgivable and unbearable, unlike acquaintances, friends, associates, and the trembling revolutionary public. Reverend, fearless, visibly hypersensitive, perfect craftsman, too fast and sometimes when necessary, lightning fast in swearing like a trigger, murderous and difficult as the truth, ingenious, ingenious but above all alone “.
How could he survive in the country of the menagerie, the Grand Inquisitor, the executioner, the tyrant, created from lies and crimes, monstrous executors, inquisitorial judges and courts, private prisons, paramilitary formations, murderous criminals with insignia of State Security, “unrecognizable and incomprehensible androids.”
His bloodthirsty desire for her death conspired on the cold, muddy, misty banks of the Danube.
He left easily and quickly, as he lived, for the common good as befits true heroes, as the only true victim of the incompletely burned Revolution, whose life he saved, condemned to death by the still existing inquisitorial court.
The new rulers will erect a grand memorial to Tsar Dusan the Strong, with a printed order from his Code, as in Judge Simeunovic’s miraculously courageous decision to oppose the enraged police and military generals out of fear.
Having erected a monument to Tsar Dusan the Strong and unknowingly erected a monument to Judge Simeunovic, forgetting his name as soon as they reached their ministerial and presidential seats so eager, but whose work as a courageous and angry judge shines defiantly and astonishingly under the sun, like a precious, precious reflecting in the Spartan observance of the old commandment, which places the law and the judge above the emperor himself, but according to the pagan curse, the ritual of the altar and above the life of the judge.
He paid gallantly, gallantly for the last round of drinks for all the coffee, for all of us, and he returned forever to the skaska from which he miraculously emerged and wandered, because he has always existed in it.
The murder of my judge’s brother is an unprecedented monstrous act of State terrorism, unnoticed in the annals of crimes and proof of the violation of the most basic principles of international law and civilizing behavior. The Belgrade District Court Judges College signs an official press release that says “Judge Simeunovic committed suicide” that’s my brother’s name, and their hand wasn’t even shaking. Several judges and prosecutors attend the autopsy to confirm their loathsome and servile loyalty to State Security. He sees his dead colleague in front of him. They know who killed him and by whose order he was killed, but that does not concern them. They think feverishly only about the amount of the reward. Will the prize be in bloodied silver coins or in rapid advancement in judicial and fiscal functions?
The 2001 file, made before the investigating judge of the Belgrade District Court, which shows how the monsters of State Security killed my brother, says, among other things: For such a monstrous murder to be committed, “a expert gave “advice” or carried it out “. all “. Dr. Mengele gave “advice” and Dr. Mengele played the role of executioner.
The Pharisees who came to power on October 5, 2000, those who campaigned for political assassinations, those who unscrupulously appropriated my brother’s name when it suited them, when my brother refused to sign the Grand Inquisitor’s bloodthirsty order, and arrest the Kolubara miner. They make a pact, a diabolical pact with murderers, with the very people who killed my brother, and so while they have been burning and burning the country of Serbia for over a decade, all the political assassinations remain unsolved.
After a couple of years, the pact with the assassins will become an official state pact with the socialists, called the “historical reconciliation pact”, and so will the first Serbian state man who is fatal to my brother the October 3, 2000. I was on the wanted list, and my brother refused to issue a court order to abolish the executioners and their crimes.
I from the state of Serbia and its security services that killed their own known and unknown citizens, from the state of Serbia and its security services that in addition to their executioners possessed their “advisers” who “advised” them how to kill citizens. from Serbia, of those who signed an official press release for some thirty bloody silver coins, in which it is said that “Judge Simeunović committed suicide” by slandering the name of his deceased colleague, and his hand did not even shake, behind which were mass graves and graves and kidnappings of executioners. Even after two decades, I don’t expect a monstrous political assassination to be revealed.
But I want to believe that this poor country of mine will be ruled by some completely new people, other honorable people, who are not sprinkled with the blood of innocent victims, who will expose all the monstrous political murders, with full names, executioner, monstrous executioners and executioners. the murder of my judge’s brother, who saved not only the lives of the Kolubara miners, but hundreds, perhaps thousands of human lives, will be remembered as the darkest political murder for which there was no place in the human mind.
Why, Lord, do you allow the worst to kill the best? If it is because the best would be built on the foundations of a new Serbia, so that the best Serbia would emerge from the best foundations, then I tell you it took too many good ones.
Sleep in peace, my infinitely beloved brother, rest your soul from your just efforts and works, rest in peace until the final meeting with your sister! “
Your only sister Jelena “

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