Sergej Trifunovic – opposition – agreement – meeting with Tadic


“There is hope,” said Free Citizens Movement leader Sergei Trifunovic after opposition talks started yesterday by Boris Tadic. stand for opposition at other times, or the ‘voice of a wise old man’, that’s what I called it. “

Trifunovic told H1, conveying his impressions of the meeting at the headquarters of the Social Democratic Party, that he is hopeful of an agreement between the opposition whenever there is a desire to talk.

“What happened in the opposition – a lot of dissonant tones, a lot of selfishness … The biggest problem of the opposition is vanity. We have to understand that we have a higher goal in front of us, I know it is difficult to convince people in this situation. ” a politician in the country, simply asked, said responsibly that he has no intention of being a leader, nor the ambition to be in any position, called for a conversation, to lower the long pipes and look into each other’s eyes. conflicts between individuals, “said Trifunović, assessing that such conversations should be more frequent.

He did not want to comment on the reservations that the leader of the Popular Party, Vuk Jeremic, had previously expressed about the H1 meeting.

When asked if he overcame misunderstandings with the united opposition, he answered yes, but did not know if they did.

“You have to ask them that, I hope they are. I’m talking about a higher goal, we cannot afford to talk about the vanities of others,” Trifunovic said, adding that “if that team goes down in history,” including Tadic , Jeremic and other officials. the current opposition has “repeatedly stabbed itself in the back.”

“I am a man who has no political ambition … My goal is to finish what I started in 1992 as a student … I have a career, I have integrity,” Trifunovic said, adding that “the vanities of others are very stupid.” and that they are “children’s diseases”.

He also noted that he had not spoken to Tadic for 10 years because he considered him the direct culprit “of this being in power.”

“If I can overcome that, so can others in the opposition,” he emphasized.

When asked if people who have made mistakes in the past have the right to return to politics, he responds: “I will answer like the patriarch Irenaeus: Jesus prefers a lost sheep to the 99 who were at his side. The man himself is very fast and make mistakes, but I regret my mistakes, everything else is vanity. “

He says he believes Tadic’s proposal for a non-aggression pact is realistic. “It is very difficult, vanity is the main problem and reminds us of kindergarten, but if we are not stupid or corrupt, we put our interests before the interests of our state and nation. We have this six-foot chemist who boasts, I don’t think that these people are so stupid, “he said.

He did not want to comment on the appearance of the opposition in various columns, of which Tadic spoke.

“We are a center-left, I avoid anything to talk about that meeting, it is too early. Ideologically Boris Tadic is close to us, but we will see, little by little …”

He also recalled that he decided not to run for the PSG presidency, that Pavle Grbović would run and that he would continue to work in the party presidency.

“I immediately said that I would surrender and run for the presidency, he is younger, has more energy, more political knowledge … I will be there, I will not fight, I will simply not be a pigeon like before,” he said.

Trifunovic also says that he did not regret entering politics, although this is not without consequences:

“They are filming 51 series in Belgrade, and they asked me for one. It is probably fear, probably self-censorship, or some think that he is not interested in politics in politics.”

Trifunovic also says that the “Support Life” Foundation, which he started, continues to function. “We have 15 children, the funds are not exactly as they were, I ask you to send messages to 57 57.”

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