Sergei Lavrov in Belgrade, the eternal fire was lit in the Memorial Cemetery to the Liberators of Belgrade



Vučić: The Russian and Serbian peoples were on the same side of the law and justice

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said the debt to fallen heroes is great “as much as our freedom is great.”

He pointed out that the Russian and Serbian peoples were on the same side of law, justice and freedom.

“That is why our task today is to fight against the rewriting of history,” Vucic said.

He added that Russia can always count on Serbia as a permanent friend.

The President of Serbia declared that “Eternal Fire” will remind us that we have no right to be forgotten.

As he said, when he loses his freedom, a man loses his memory, a man loses everything.

“And that’s something we will never forget,” Vucic said.


Medinski: no one is forgotten

Russia’s aide to the president, Vladimir Medinski, said that Serbian patriots helped the Red Army defend the homeland.

“The fraternal cemetery where the eternal fire was lit today is a sad place,” Medinski said.

He noted that the names of many heroes were forgotten, and he mentioned the names of two Russian soldiers in order, as he said, to remember at least some names.

He also pointed to the words that were written in the cemetery: “No one has been forgotten, nothing has been forgotten.”


Lavrov recalled the “brotherhood of arms”

Addressing the audience, Sergei Lavrov said that it was a great honor for him to participate in the “Eternal Fire” lighting ceremony. He conveyed the greetings of Russian President Vladimir Putin to everyone.

As he said, Nazism broke down 70 years ago, and Soviet soldiers fought heroically alongside the NOVJ soldiers.

He recalled the “brotherhood of arms” that helped defend the values ​​of peace, life and justice.

He notes that efforts to justify the crimes of the Nazis are increasing in several European countries, and that Russia and Serbia do not accept any review.

“Today’s event is a significant confirmation of that,” Lavrov noted.


Eternal fire burning.

The Russian soldiers carried a capsule with the flame of eternal fire to the cemetery. The flames seized the guard of the Serbian army, which ignited eternal fire.

After that, Aleksandar Vučić and Sergej Lavrov placed wreaths of flowers on the monument.

The anthems of Russia and Serbia followed.


The solemn ceremony of lighting the eternal fire began

The solemn ceremony of lighting the eternal fire has begun in the Memorial Cemetery of the Liberators of Belgrade. Along with the head of Russian diplomacy and the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić, guests and officials are present.

The eternal fire flame was taken yesterday in a solemn ceremony. at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Moscow Kremlin, and arrived in Serbia on a special plane of the Russian Defense Ministry.

At the beginning of the ceremony, a video was shown on how to take control of the fire and deliver it to the capital of Serbia.


Lavrov and Vučić arrived at the Memorial Cemetery of the Liberators of Belgrade

Aleksandar Vučić and Sergej Lavrov visit the exhibition dedicated to the Second World War, after which they will attend the eternal fire lighting ceremony at the Liberators Memorial Cemetery in Belgrade.


Lavrov arrived in Serbia and was received by Selaković

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov came to Serbia for a visit.

Sergei Lavrov landed in Belgrade around 12:40 pm and was received at the “Nikola Tesla” airport by the head of Serbian diplomacy, Nikola Selaković.

Aleksandar Vučić and Sergej Lavrov attended the eternal fire lighting ceremony and laid wreaths at the “Eternal Fire” Monument at the Belgrade Liberators Memorial Cemetery.

Then you will visit the Temple of St. Sava and lay flowers at the grave of the blessed Serbian Patriarch Mr. Irinej, announced the president’s press service.

On that occasion, Minister Lavrov will read a letter from the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, on the occasion of the completion of the works on the Temple.

The president of Serbia and the head of Russian diplomacy will talk at 4.30 pm in Villa “Mir”, and after the meeting, statements are scheduled for the media by the two officials.

During the visit, Lavrov will also meet with Minister Nikola Selaković, after which, as announced, the ministers will sign the Consultation Plan between the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 2021-2022. year.
