Serbs will leave Pristina institutions if SSO obligation is not met


The representatives of the Kosovo and Metohija Serbs will leave the Pristina institutions if Pristina decides not to comply with the obligation signed to the EU on the formation of the JCC, it was announced after the meeting of the representatives of the Kosovo and Metohija Serbs with the director of the Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petro Petkovic.

The Kosovo and Metohija Serbs, with the help of Serbian institutions, will demand from the international community through all channels that security is guaranteed in all places where Serbs live, because they are concerned about the increasing attacks against them, their properties and sanctuaries, and especially against children.

This is one of the agreements of the meeting of political representatives of the Kosovo Serbs and the new director of the Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petković, following a series of attacks against Serbs in the southern province.

Petkovic noted that the meeting also expressed mutual dissatisfaction with Pristina’s refusal to cooperate with the Belgrade institutions to shed light on the murder of Oliver Ivanovic and the obstructions with which the Pristina judicial authorities are trying to protect those who ordered and they committed the crime.

“The meeting condemned all attempts at political abuse in this case,” Petković said.

He also conveyed that the Kosovo and Metohija Serbs are grateful to President Aleksandar Vučić and the Government of Serbia for their constant and decisive assistance, and will continue to unreservedly support Belgrade’s efforts to protect Serbian interests in Kosovo through political and diplomatic means.

Kosovo, Serbs, meeting, office for Kosovo and MetohijaSource: Phonet

“The Serbs of Kosovo and Metohija have absolute confidence in President Vučić and his steadfastness in the fight for the Serbian people in the province, and they owe special thanks to former Office Director Marko Đurić, as a key player in that fight, who he will continue from the post of Serbian ambassador to the United States. ” it’s Petkovic.

He added that special thanks were expressed for the largest wave of investment in Serbian communities in Kosovo and Metohija, in recent decades, adding that the economic self-sustainability of the Serbian people in the province is one of the most important preconditions for their survival. .

Đurić: Pristina is making great efforts to suspend the dialogue

If Pristina does not want the Union of Serbian Municipalities, then it does not want the normalization of relations with Belgrade, said the newly appointed ambassador of Serbia to the United States and former director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Đurić.

“In the week that the EU’s special envoy Miroslav Lajcak arrives in Belgrade and Pristina, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Avdulah Hoti, stating that there will be no further negotiations on the Union of Serbian Municipalities, shows that Pristina is doing great efforts to suspend the dialogue and essentially does not want any results, “he said. Đurić for RTS.

I would like to remind you of the seven-year Brussels Agreement, where the first point is the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities. The question is what Pristina wants, Đurić declared.

Marko Đurić, Petar Petković, meeting, Serbs, KosovoSource: Phonet

Đurić assessed that there is competition among Albanian leaders over who will be worse off with the Serbs, and that is bad, because “no one at the plate will serve them independence, and no one in Serbia will allow a new pogrom of Serbs.”

“They don’t understand that they too need to normalize relationships and build a long-term future. We will only waste time together if they are not prepared to have normal relationships in the future,” Đurić said.

He announced the continuation of the struggle for the survival and stay of the Serbs in Kosovo.
