Serbs Will Destroy Washington Swamp, and Deep State Fall Will Mark Trump’s Arrival in Belgrade, Full Political Upheaval Follows



26.10.2020. 11:28 – 26.10.2020. 11:44

On Sunday, the White House special representative for the Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Richard Grenel, published a photo of the meeting with the head of the Church of St. Sava in Milwaukee, Archpriest Staurophorus Dragan Veleusic.

Tramp donald

Donald Trump, Photo: Illustration

Grenel also posted a photo on his Instagram account in which the archpriest presents him with a book dedicated to the history of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North America.

The “Serbs for Trump” initiative announced Sunday that Grenel also received a bottle of homemade plum brandy from the host.

– We thank the ambassador and President Trump for his kindness, friendship and commitment to our Serbian-American community – they said on Facebook from that initiative and announced their full support for the re-election of Donald Trump as president of the United States.

On Sunday, Grenel attended the liturgy at St. Sava Church in Milwaukee, which was attended by the church’s leader, Dragan Veleušić.

– Together with you, our Serbian friends, we can win in key countries like Wisconsin, defeat the political “swamp” of Washington and win another term for President Trump – said Richard Grenell in his address to the Serbian community in the “Serbian Hall” in Milwaukee.

In front of some 450 gathered citizens, organized by the Milwaukee Republican Party and the “Serbs for Trump 2020” Initiative, the former US ambassador to Germany and special adviser for the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina conveyed Donald Trump’s message to the Serbs.

– When I was going to Wisconsin, the president asked me: “Will you meet the Serbs there?” When I confirmed him, he told me to tell him that he plans to comply with everything that was signed in the White House and that he will do everything possible to help Serbia become economically powerful, that his children no longer have to leave the country in search of a better life – Grenel pointed out as he was heard in the audience by, among others, Congressman Brian Steele from Wisconsin, and Illinois senator and congressman candidates Sargis Sangari and Mark Quran.

Trump in Belgrade after the elections

He added that the president, if re-elected, will surely visit Belgrade.

– I told the president that Belgrade is a great city, where hospitable and smiling people live, and he told me: “I have to see it. I will definitely go to Belgrade if I win the elections, Grenel reported.

And then the focus shifted to the current political campaign …

– Serbs can make a difference in Wisconsin. Call your friends, talk to them, vote early because we already know there will be huge crowds and queues at the polls. If everyone who supports Trump, we will surely win – said Grenel, and then presented his vision of the situation in the United States.

A rally in support of Trump at the Serbian Lounge in Milwaukee

– These elections are not a fight between the Republican and Democratic parties, but a fight between the political “swamp” in Washington and the rest of the United States. That political “swamp”, as its name suggests, does not allow the entry of fresh water, everything has been the same in it for decades, said Trump’s special negotiator for Kosovo and Metohija.

Serbia will be energy independent

He then referred to the agreement that Serbia and the so-called Kosovo under the auspices of President Trump.

– The president did not want to follow the path of his predecessors in the White House, take sides and put politics in the foreground. He is a businessman and estimated that the economy is the one that will bring a lasting peace. A big step has been taken in the partnership between the United States and Serbia, which I believe will help Serbia become an economic leader in that part of Europe. Unlike the comments of the Democrats that this agreement is an American defeat, I affirm the opposite, that it is a great American victory. Serbia, which until now depended on Russia for energy, will now receive energy from the United States, which will allow it to make decisions in the future as an independent country, without pressure.

He also told the audience about the adventures of his diplomatic career in Germany.

– In conversations with German politicians and Chancellor Merkel, they constantly raised the question why, as an ambassador, I am trying to bring as many American companies as possible to Germany, and I am not doing anything to get German companies to open their offices and businesses in United States. “I’m sorry, it’s a job for your ambassador to the United States, I came here to work for the United States, not for Germany,” I replied. I told Ms. Merkel that I didn’t blame her for fighting for Germany, that she was nice and patriotic, but then she shouldn’t blame me for fighting for America.

Honor Serbian American Heroes

Before addressing the audience, Grenelle toured the Serbian Hall’s ceremonial hall, which houses photographs of Wisconsin Serbs who gave their lives fighting as American officers and soldiers. He was pleasantly surprised to learn that the Serbs rescued the majority of American pilots in Europe during World War II, and he followed with interest the story of Lance (Lazar) Shiyan, a hero from Vietnam named after the awards to the best student cadets. West Point.

Grenel learned these historical lessons from his good friend and former Consul of the Republic of Serbia in Chicago, Desko Nikitović, a man who played a key role in the Serbian authorities’ contacts with the US administration after Donald Trump came to power. “Serbs for Trump 2020” for Wisconsin.

Then, Grenel held a closed-door meeting with representatives of the “Serbs for Trump 2020” movement from Wisconsin and Illinois, where they discussed the implementation of the agreement signed at the White House, as well as vital issues related to Serbia, the Serbian people and the diaspora. serbia. On that occasion, the tactics for the campaign auction were agreed, in which the current US president believes that the Serbian community can provide him with key votes in the so-called “oscillating states” such as Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio and Florida .

Grenel with representatives of the “Serbs for Trump 2020” movement

“Today I am at the Serbian House in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and these Americans are worse than wanting to vote for Donald Trump,” Grenel wrote on Instagram.
