Serbs, forget about the welcome in the tavern! This is how and what you will do on December 31, January 1 and 2


Prof. Crisis staff member Dr. Branislav Tiodorović says for Kurir that there is no possibility for Serbian citizens to welcome the new year 2021 in a tavern or to be an organized welcome in any way.

– I think there is no possibility of the catering facilities working for New Years Eve. Citizens of Serbia will not be able to celebrate the New Year in the tavern this year! There will be no reception organized in hotels or anywhere else. The New Year, like Christmas, should be celebrated at home, in the circle of the closest family. The medical part of the crisis headquarters is against that and we are convinced that everyone in the crisis headquarters will support it. The catering facilities will likely be running until 8pm on December 31, and on January 1, everything in Serbia will be closed. On January 2 only grocery stores and food delivery stores will be open, as well as pharmacies and dispensers in the refueling area -he told Kurir Tiodorović, adding that this weekend everything will be open until 8 at night- and catering facilities and shopping centers. shortened times crowds.

Dr. Tiodorović also notes that more than 50,000 doses of Pfizer vaccines will arrive in January, and that he expects vaccination of healthcare workers to begin at that time.


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