Serbs do not give up summer holidays, FULL BEACHES IN MONTENEGRO


There a large number of Serbian tourists were found on one of the most popular beaches on the Montenegrin coast, in Jaz.

The new Crisis Staff measures found them on vacation. Most of them do not want to interrupt their summer vacation due to the measures taken, and there are also those who will travel to Serbia on time, Novosti writes.

– The plan was to stay in Montenegro until Friday, so that the new measures do not affect us. Every year, we spend our family vacations on the Montenegrin coast, and we didn’t expect to come this year. However, the good weather and the introduction of the ELISA serological test “forced” to come for a week. It is safer to return before the introduction of more drastic measures, so we will be in Serbia before six on Friday – says Nikola Zecevic (37) for “Novosti”.

Zoran Djordjevic (51) from Belgrade, despite the introduction of new measures by crisis personnel, plans to stay in Budva until Sunday.

Photo: Mitar Mitrović / RAS Serbia

– I came by plane for the weekend with my family and my godfather and I plan to stay until the end of the arrangement. It is not worth that we go to Belgrade earlier and interrupt our vacation due to the new situation. We are afraid, as soon as it arrives, we will call the nearest Kovid clinic and the doctors to take all the precautions. I hope everything goes well – says Djordjevic.

And although most tourists in Montenegro have planned their September holidays to the end of the week or more, Jovan M. is leaving for Serbia tomorrow morning.

– 15 days ago, when I went to the sea, I booked a return ticket for September 17. Maybe we could wait a little longer with the measures, because a lot of our people are currently on the coast. At least until the end of the weekend, and only then introduce daily checks and reports to Covid clinics, he says.

The experiences and reactions of the hoteliers of Herceg Novi after the decision of the Government of Serbia and the invitation sent to the citizens of that country to return from the summer holidays due to the worsening of the epidemiological situation are different.

Photo: Z. Ilić / RAS Serbia

In Meljine, the management of the complex “Lazure” says they have a good visit, and so far there are no announcements to shorten the stay or cancel the reservations of guests from Serbia. Manager Marin Radojevic reports that capacity is over 80 percent, and most of the guests are from Belarus, Ukraine and Serbia.

Here, says Radojevic, inbound bookings from Serbia for the next period remained active, and yet depending on possible new measures, a smaller drop in bookings or a shortening of hotel stays is expected.

Guests from Serbia, staying at the ACD hotel, also in Meljine, are staying, they say, on summer vacation as planned.

Several individual guests left Igalo, from the “Lighthouse” hotel, and others announced that they would be leaving on Friday, says marketing director Jovan Mićunović. There are also people in this hotel who will not be affected by the decision of the Government of Serbia.


– Right now, 70 guests from Serbia are staying with us. These are Radnički’s water polo players from Kragujevac and some of the guests who are there for the filming of the film. They are there for business obligations and, they say, they are not affected by that decision. A small number of individual guests decided to follow the recommendations – said Jovan Mićunović of the hotel “Lighthouse”.

By the way, Dr. Predrag Kon warned that in the next period, about 50,000 of our tourists will return from summer vacations a week, mostly from countries where the epidemiological situation is unfavorable.
