SERBS ARE TREATED LIKE RABBITS TO SHOOT: Pupovac in Negoslavci near Vukovar, where Croatian police arrested our compatriots


This was said in Negoslavci, near Vukovar, Milorad Pupovac, president of SDSS, who arrived in this small Slavic village on Friday.

The arrest of two non-Serbian residents accused of war crimes has recently raised the temperature among locals, mainly because of the way the police arrested nine, demanding that seven of them witness events that occurred more than twenty years ago.

– In Croatia, the impression is created that no one has been convicted and that right here in Negoslavci, those who should be the culprits of everything must be caught. That is wrong both politically and journalistically, legally and judicially and that is not justice – said Pupovac and asked for clear evidence in this case. – A public opinion is forming that all Serbs are guilty beforehand and that Serbs simply cannot help but be guilty.

The leader of the Serbs in Croatia also asked in Negoslavci why those who committed crimes against the Serbs are not being prosecuted.

– No one was responsible for the killings of people who fled after the “Flash” near the town of Nova Varos. Almost a hundred people, where the blood was cleaned by cisterns after that crime. Was anyone responsible for the attack on the refugee column in Petrovacka basket? Pupovac asked.

Pupovac said the solution was not to point the finger at the Serbs, but rather that Zagreb and Belgrade should speak up and find a solution.

“I know that at least one of those doors is open,” said Pupovac, without declaring whose door it was. But he added that this would prevent the suffering of innocent people.

The chairman of the SDSS in Negoslavci noted that similar procedures are being prepared elsewhere, “but with somewhat tougher witness processing techniques than here.”

– We do not want official trials to be carried out on the basis of private investigations, as we fear in this case – Pupovac emphasized and also expressed doubts about the objectivity and impartiality of the institutions that ordered the arrest of two locals who lived in the years after the nineties. in Negoslavci.


“Until now, NO ONE has been responsible for the killings of the Vukovar Serbs before the war, or for the destruction of 26 villages in the Požega valley when 44 people died,” said Pupovac. – No one was responsible for the persecution of 250,000 Croatian Serbs.

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