SERBOS GOT IT! The famous world champion asked “THE ALBAN CITY OF NIS to erect a memorial to Skanderbeg”, and then THIS HAPPENED!


He aroused passions in Serbia with his attitude, and then the Serbs quite surprised him.

Let us remember, supporters of the so-called. “Greater Albania”, which implies the idea of ​​a state to the detriment of the territories of Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Greece, received a “wind in the back” of the once great sports star: the former world champion of karate Enver Idrizi is in Switzerland. He was invited to join in the commemoration of the 552 anniversary of the death of Skanderbeg, a famous statesman and military leader of Serbian origin, who was appropriated by the Albanians as their great hero and national symbol.

On that occasion, Idrizi, an Albanian born in Skopje during FSYR, who later shone on the international scene as a member of the Croatian national team, called for “the Albanian cities of Nis and Medvedja” to receive monuments to Skenderbeg.

What he could not even dream of, is that after that interview, which he bragged about on Instagram, where the general public found out about his views, he will receive numerous criticisms from people in Serbia.

To some of them, under his charge, he first replied that he simply “did not say anything that was not true”, then “that he has the right to say what he thinks”, but …

He failed to convince them of his views. Nor to reduce the number of criticisms at his expense.

When he saw more and more people in Serbia condemning the promotion of such an idea, he decided to remove his post from social media:

Idrizi deleted the post

Photo: enver_idrizi / Instagram

Idrizi deleted the post

Enver Idrizi was champion of Europe in 1993 and 1995, runner-up in 1994 and runner-up of the world in 1994, winner of the World Cup in 1993 and 1995. He himself does not know exactly how many medals he won, and in 1995 at the World Cup there were an incident for which the Croatian Karate Federation was suspended for two years.

– Joooj, it was in Frankfurt, and I was not guilty of anything! I won a fight and the judge made a mistake, so when announcing the winner, he raised his hand towards my opponent. There were a lot of people in the room, a lot of my fans, a lot of Croats, but they were all cheering me on. And the audience went crazy at such a decision of the judge, everyone started jumping. But I kept going, made it to the final and won two world medals in two days. The first day in the difficult, the second day in the absolute category – said recently in a statement for

Enver Idrizi defeated the legendary Chuck Norris twice in his life.

– We competed a long time ago, then it was not so popular. A man from Osijek called me to come fight in the United States and Canada, and I won all his tournaments there. I also beat Chuck Norris twice, but there is no medal that I haven’t won, Idrizi said recently.

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