SERBIO “PAO” AT THE DIRECTION OF A CRIMINAL GROUP Organized FALSE MARRIAGES and fictitious agreements in Austria


The Austrian police dissolved a criminal group, headed by a Serbian citizen, which organized false marriages with the aim of obtaining a residence permit.

After a lengthy investigation, the Foreigner Police, with the help of the Vienna Criminal Service, located a gang that mediated at least 27 false marriages.

According to the statement, the Serb is suspected of organizing false marriages with two accomplices, citizens of Austria and citizens of third countries, that is, Serbia, Bosnia and Kosovo and Metohija, most of the time with Hungarian citizens.

After mediating such a marriage, the gang demanded an average of 10,000 euros and the marriages were concluded in Serbia.

The objective of these marriages was that the person who paid for the service obtained a residence permit in Austria and, therefore, access to the labor market, to the social system.

The spouses they would find were never registered in Austria and would come to Vienna only to do the necessary work in front of the state institutions.

They would receive 3,000 euros per contract for agreeing to contract a false marriage.

During the investigation, the police tracked down, among other things, a large Hungarian Roma family of which members of both sexes participated in the conclusion of a false marriage with citizens of countries outside the EU.

The suspects not only organized the celebration of fake marriages, but also arranged an apparent employment in Vienna through bogus companies for five-figure sums.

For these purposes, a suspect made his network of fake companies available.

By issuing a salary certificate and client employment contract. was able to gather the necessary documents for a residence permit.

So far, the police have managed to prove 59 criminal acts of organized fraud in the acquisition of the right of residence, false marriages, that is, falsification of evidence.

48 people were reportedly questioned and arrest warrants were issued for nine people.
