SERBIAN WOMEN TARGETED BY INTERNET SCAMMERS They seduce lonely women, and when they gain their trust, they take the money and DISAPPEAR WITHOUT TRACE


More and more women are seeking the help of detectives to prove that they were misled online and then wait for justice to be served in court.

Lonely women, without a partner, hungry for attention and love, are increasingly victims of Internet scams. At the Čačak private detective agency, more women are seeking the help of investigators to first prove that they were deceived and then to exercise their rights in court.

– It is interesting that for most of the affected women, the money they lost does not matter, although there have been cases of fraud up to 5,000 euros, it costs them much more to have their trust played. They felt that they were entering into communication with a man for purely human emotional reasons. The target of the fraudsters are usually wealthy women, without a partner, widows, retired, divorced. Believing in honorable intentions, most of them have developed a deep emotional connection with the scammer – a story for “Kurir” by private detective Mileta Petrović, B.Sc. criminologist and B.Sc. attorney.

Women from Čačak, as well as women from other cities in Serbia, turn to the agency for help. However, the curiosity of Casanova’s deluded women is the diaspora. Detective Petrovic says he is currently working on two cases, one in Switzerland and the other in Germany.

– Even their language is not a barrier, because there are very educated people among them, who have graduated from some serious faculties. However, most of what we operationally process comes from our speech area. They write to victims on social media, but often through acquaintances and private contacts. As a rule, they first seduce the victim with nice words, attention, promise everything and anything, swear love, but all the time their financial problem permeates communication, says Petrović, adding:

– They are not asking for money directly, but are talking, for example, that they have a problem with the import of cars, or some unresolved financial situation from the past. When the victim falls in love with that story, they give the scammer money, then disappear and all trace of him is lost. Block the interlocutor on social networks and she no longer has a way to get in touch with him. This is the most common model according to which scammers prosecute victims, of course there is finesse, but they are reserved for the most treacherous who exploit the victim for a long time, without her having that feeling – says the detective.

Most women ask the detective for information about the missing seducer, who often turned out to have used a false first and last name, and who has a large number of deceived victims behind him. When they collect other necessary evidence, the agency refers the victim to attorneys, who easily get this fraud in court. On average, scammers extract money from a vulnerable woman in a month, the smallest amount for which they harmed the victim is 1,000 and the largest is 5,000 euros.

Married women go through the worst

The victims of Internet Casanova are also married women, who in addition to the risk of discovering infidelity, have other problems.

– In that case, in addition to marital fraud, it is difficult to hide from the family where the money that the fraudster took from a reckless woman disappeared. This implies conducting all investigative and judicial activities in secret. That also breaks the victims – reveals Petrović, emphasizing the need to have a receipt or a witness, when someone receives money.

Laka meta

– I know of a case where a scammer moved into the victim’s apartment, used their cars, spent their money. There was everything, both blackmail and threats, so the police intervened often. The most perfidious scammers know how to exploit the damaged ones for a year, before she suspects it has been used. Women often believe that love is in question, says Petrovic.
