SERBIAN WOMAN DISCOVERED THE ROAD THROUGH SPACE! World scientists are excited about Dr. Natasa Todorovic’s work, to the farthest planets in 10 years.


The main “designer” of the fast track through the universe is Dr. Natasa Todorovic, astronomer. The team led by Dr. Todorović found the overall structure of these “paths”, where exactly they extend and how. His work, written in collaboration with colleagues at an American university, has attracted great attention from the global scientific community. It has been published on more than fifty portals of the most famous media, and the number of readers is constantly increasing.

– We have covered almost the entire solar system and have achieved, for example, that the “celestial paths” generated by Jupiter, the fifth and largest planet, extend to the end of the solar system, behind the eighth planet Neptune. It is a huge space in which planets operate, reveals Dr. Todorović in a conversation for “Novosti”.

It has been moving small bodies in the solar system for about 16 years, and this result did not happen overnight. It got a fast route network in 2017.

– The observatory then had its own “Fermi” supercomputer, which, unfortunately, is no longer in operation, so after the work of this cluster stopped, I stopped the account. It seemed impossible to me that some asteroid, comet or, in the future, perhaps a spacecraft, could leave the solar system in just ten years. That was roughly several thousand times shorter than current science data. I put that aside and took up another matter.

After a short break, says our interlocutor, the research continued and was joined by colleagues from the University of California.

– I requested the cooperation of my fellow astronomer, Dr. Aaron Rosengrin, who was initially suspicious of this result. He hired his student from China, Di Vu, who is a true software wizard and for whom this is his first scientific job. So we’re actually a Serbian-American-Chinese trio, Dr. Todorović notes.

– Long months of checking these results with various methods followed. And in each control the result was confirmed. As is often the case in science, new results have emerged that we have included in our article.

Dr. Todorović also explains what a “heavenly highway” is, noting that it is not a completely scientific term, but it is easy to understand:

– Just as winds blow on Earth, something that is small and easy can move without fuel because it is carried by the wind, so also in space gravity can move something that is small and easy, without fuel. In space, they are comets and asteroids, perhaps smaller spacecraft, because their mass is small compared to planets and stars. It’s simpler to say that these complicated gravitational motions take place along certain currents – space highways.


NATAŠA Todorović graduated from the Belgrade Faculty of Mathematics, Department of Astronomy, where he completed his master’s and doctoral studies. During his graduate studies, he collaborated with a group of astronomers from the Nice Observatory and the University of Padua.

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He has published several scientific articles in national and international journals and has given a notable number of lectures at professional conferences. The author is also the organizer of the exhibition “Asteroids, Little Stone Worlds”, which took place in late 2018 and early 2019 at the SANU Science and Technology Gallery. He has worked at the Belgrade Astronomical Observatory since 2002 and his research work focuses on the dynamics of the solar system.

The concept of celestial roads was introduced about 20 years ago and has already been used for some space missions, such as “Genesis”, which orbited the moons of Jupiter. But, due to their complexity, it was possible to follow them only in the immediate vicinity of the planet, adds our interlocutor.

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When asked how significant this discovery is, he says:

– It’s hard to say, time will tell. It will mean for science, because this result sheds new light on our understanding of the origin of some comets and asteroids. If, in the future, a plane is heading to one of these routes, we will discover instantly how important it is.

Our scientist adds that her team even photographed some comets on those “heavenly highways” and that is an integral part of the research work that attracted a lot of attention. As for going into space, Dr. Todorović says that it didn’t attract her and that the Earth is enough for her:

– We can see the beauty of the universe from our beautiful planet. Two eyes and a telescope. Going to near space is no longer science fiction. Unfortunately, that nearby space is contaminated with more than 20,000 extinct satellites, parts of disintegrated spacecraft, that orbit the Earth, and they can be dangerous if they fall on an inhabited place. I would rather save this beautiful Earth of ours than bury another planet with garbage.

PRIDE Natasa in front of the “Milutin Milankovic” telescope in Vidojevica near Prokuplje, Private archive photo

Regarding the statements of the Israeli general, who not only assures that there are aliens, but also to communicate with earthlings, she says that she does not know them and that she does not take them seriously.

Photo V. Galevski

– If such communication existed, surely Matija Ćuk, an astronomer in this area who works at the SETI institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), which deals with the search for life outside the Earth, would have already told us. Life as such, microbes, bacteria, can exist outside the Earth, science has confirmed. We have not yet been able to check if there is intelligent life on other planets.

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