Serbian Vaccine Cardiologist: “Wait. I can’t recommend genetically modified”


Cardiologist prof. Dr. Vieslav Hadi-Tanovi said that he could not recommend that patients be vaccinated with the genetically modified coronavirus vaccine.

Source: TV Prva

Photo: Printskrin TV Prva

Photo: Printskrin TV Prva

As he explained, the mortality of the crown is 0.14 percent, and the fucking blow 65 percent.

“Mortality from malignant diseases is 30 percent, so all other diseases are 90 percent,” he said as a guest on “Jutra” on TV Prva.

He says that in order to recommend the vaccine to his patients, you must first know about it and its composition, and as he says, little is known about it.

“The composition of the vaccine has been discussed in our scientific circles. It contains a strain of the virus, a mild form that is transmitted, but encourages the development of an immune defense … This vaccine for the first time has a component that can change the genetic makeup of humans “That is why we, as experts, have warned and let’s wait to see what happens there,” he said, adding that the fact that many people have experienced a drop in cardiovascular capacity due to immobility and stress.

Speaking of the vaccine, he said that we already have genetically modified food, animals and now the same vaccine.

“When you insert a genetically modified drug, a vaccine, we don’t know what the consequences will be. Now we have a genetically modified vaccine for the first time. How will it affect the production of offspring are the questions we asked and I couldn’t have a vaccine like that. I recommend ”, he added.

He also says that drugs and vaccines are the biggest business in the world, as well as that “everything that is done in health care is what the cat and the pharmaceutical industry earn the most.”

“It has its promoters … When there was swine flu 10 years ago, the WHO announced a month before that there would be an epidemic and reduced the quota to declare an epidemic, and that happened, no one even regretted it. The German paid 80 million euros for the vaccines, Serbia two million euros … My advice is – wait ”, concluded Dr. Hadi-Tanovi.
