SERBIAN TENNISIST FROM THE COCAINE FALL! Bolovukovic crashes her expensive Mercedes, and we all know her about Kirjos


Former Australian Serbian blood player Monik Belovukovic was fined for revoking her driver’s license after admitting in court that she was under the influence of drugs.

Belovukovic found himself in the public eye due to his connection to Australian tennis player Nik Kirjos, as reported by local media at the time. However, the reason for its popularity this time is cocaine.

The Serbian-born girl was sentenced Monday in a Downing Center court, where she admitted to using the drug a month ago. Court documents also show test results confirming that there was cocaine in Belovukovic’s blood when police stopped on Sydney’s Oxford Street in November last year while driving a luxury G-class Mercedes car.

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According to the Daily Telegraph, the former tennis player denied in the first police hearing that she had used cocaine:

“I had a drink two days ago,” Belovukovic told police.

In addition to using cocaine, he also had another misdemeanor, namely the use of a temporary license that did not allow him to drive. Judge Jacqueline Trad revoked Belovukovic’s license for three months with a $ 500 fine.

It gained popularity through a relationship with Nick Kirjos after they were photographed by paparazzi at a London nightclub.

– We are just friends, we all know that Nick has a girlfriend and nobody wants to interfere with their relationship. We had a great time, we went to a nightclub as friends and we went out as friends, nothing more. Everything was completely innocent. Even my mother, who saw everything on television, called me to ask what was going on, so Monique, 18, told the Australian Daily Mail.

Soon after, photos of her and another famous tennis player, Tanasi Kokinakis, one of Nick Kirjos’ best friends, came to light.

Although a great talent, Monique retired early from white sport due to her managerial ambitions. She made her first tennis steps at the famous White City Academy.

When he was young he was very successful, in addition to the local tournaments, he played in those of Serbia, France, Italy … He moved to France when he was 14 years old, to train at the famous academy of Patrick Muratoglu, coach Serena Williams. However, the temptations in professional tennis were too much for her.

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