Serbian Robinson Crusoe: Half a century lives without electricity and a smile never leaves his face – News – Life


In a remote corner of Tara Mountain, in the village of Mokra Gora below Popovo brdo, a small wooden house with ten fingers was made by Dragisa Stanisic.

Source: RINA

RINA / David Kolaković

RINA / David Kolaković

Although he is in the 21st century, he has been living without electricity and water for more than half a century, in his modest house the sink and the sink are improvised, and this Serbian Robinson Crusoe came up with everything himself, struggling with difficult living conditions. . He lives completely alone, without dogs or machetes, and his nocturnal visitors are foxes and wild boars.

“Our family’s first house burned down in a fire and then I made this new one completely on my own. I turned each board over on my back and on my arms. There is no water or electricity, but I’m used to it. I finish everything. that I need during the day. I can’t, I’m sorry, because I’m healthy and that’s the most important thing, “he says.

“I get up when I want, I go to bed when I want, I work as hard as I can. My father lived blind for 14 years, so when he could be in complete darkness, I can complain that I am healthy. I have been carrying water on my back for 55 years. from a nearby spring and it keeps me alive, ”says this loner from Tara.

RINA / David Kolaković

RINA / David Kolaković

Apart from health, he says that freedom is the most important thing, because he saw Dragiša during the war and the state of war. When he was younger, he did a lot of jobs and didn’t shy away from even the most difficult ones.

He spent many days in the field, but now he only has beautiful memories and a smile on his face. Although many would say that there is no reason for the positive energy that radiates, it proves that happiness is not in material wealth.

He lives on an aid that amounts to 9,000 dinars, and he also buys sweets from that church for the children of the neighborhood.

“When we were children we were very poor, we struggled and went to work to buy slippers and not go barefoot. It happened day after day and I didn’t get married. I was thinking that when I was already struggling a lot.” As a young man in life, it wouldn’t be fair that my children suffered. I had a great love, she was a waitress, I gave her all my salary to buy food, but it was all in vain “, Dragisa recalls.

RINA / David Kolaković

RINA / David Kolaković

His only friend on cold winter days was the radio receiver. If it weren’t for him, as he says, he wouldn’t have survived in that loneliness.

“It’s my wife and kids and everything. I light a fire, let the radio play, and go to bed. Some may think I’m not all mine when I live this way, but I’m satisfied. I’m sorry for anything, and especially not for money. It doesn’t mean anything to me, “says Dragisa as she lights a candle, which is the only source of light in her house when it gets dark. She also has an LED bulb, but she still keeps it.

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