SERBIAN RECORDER HAD 4.48 PROMILE: He was not stopped for drunk driving, a mistake will cost him dear


The fact that he was not tied up cost him more control when it was established that he was driving drunk.

The police were astonished when he was conscious and communicative, during the control he “inflated”, for Šumadija, a record of 4.48 per thousand.

– He gave the impression of being visibly intoxicated, but not disoriented or unable to cooperate. Nor did he reject any kind of cooperation. Before the alcohol test, A.Đ stated that he had consumed alcohol immediately before the stop, more precisely five minutes before, so the patrol tested the same after fifteen minutes from the moment of the stop, says a source from the Ministry of Interior.

Incidentally, Lapovo residents say the infamous record holder is known as someone who indulges in alcohol almost every day. Before stopping, according to the statement to the police, he was at the “Kronospan” company, where he was “repairing a piston for an engine.”

The driver was detained for up to 12 hours for investigation purposes, and then, due to the violation committed, the violent driving was taken to the misdemeanor. He was sentenced to 30 days in prison, a fine of 140,000 dinars, 15 penalty points and a nine-month ban on driving a category B vehicle.


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