“The eighth day of the crown is the most critical,” could be heard often in recent months. Research by foreign scientists has indicated the most troublesome period of infection, and such cases have also been reported in our patients.
“It comes from some worsening of the condition on the eighth day, but it is not known why this happens. It can happen that the patient has a slightly elevated temperature at the beginning, and then does not have it and has it again on the eighth day, ”explains Prim. Dr. Tatjana Radosavljević, pulmonologist, observations from around the world, which, according to her, still they have not been scientifically proven.

Also in our country there have been cases of the “eighth day” of the crown, says the doctor.
“It has also been noted in our country, and these are individual observations, so if the patient was not on a lung scan and he develops a fever on the eighth day, he should be photographed.”
“In China, they noticed that the first changes in the lungs would be seen only if a lung scan was done at the beginning of the disease, because they are not visible in an ordinary image. We cannot, given the situation, know when the changes in the lungs occur. lungs and why “The worsening is happening on the eighth day. It is an observation around the world, but no one has addressed why it is happening. These are probably events at the cellular and subcellular level, “said Dr. Radosavljevic.
As the doctor said, similar changes, that is, changes on the eighth day, were not noticed with other viruses.
“No, this is the specificity of kovid. Previous infections and the more serious virus, such as H1N1, ended without spreading to the lungs, pneumonia was quite rare, and it was especially rare for a patient with the H1N1 virus to end in a respirator, “he says.


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