SERBIAN PRIEST HUNT FOR MEMORIAL: Backlash from Albanians after the flag with a black double-headed eagle was removed from Košar


Social media “caught fire” and all the Pristina media immediately reported the removal of the flag, but not the prayer for the fallen heroes.

As could be seen on the media websites in Pristina, but also on social media, the incomplete news about the priest provoked reactions from citizens, through the veterans of the so-called KLA to the Kosovo Police. In media such as “Kohe ditore”, “Gazeta” and “Zeri”, it is characterized as a scandal, and in many other portals as a disgrace, a disgrace …

Veterans of the terrorist KLA went to the Kosara watchtower on the same day and hung not one, but two Albanian flags there again. The flags were repositioned by Demo Maljoku and the video was posted on their “Facebook” profile, glorifying KLA terrorist Adem Jashari and Agim Ramadani.

Previously, the so-called fighters. In its statements, the KLA accused the Kosovo institutions of not caring for the monuments. Faton Klinaku, acting president of the War Veterans Organization, the so-called KLA said they were informed through the media about “this scandal.”


AFTER the media reported on the removal of the Albanian flag from Košar, the Kosovo police came to the scene. As reported by the media in Pristina, Nisret Dzurkaj, the Kosovo police spokesman for the Gjakova region, noted that the flag was there. The flag they found there, apparently, is the one hung by veterans of the terrorist KLA or by Albanians from the surrounding villages.

– We saw the news in the media. It is bad that Kosovo institutions do not take care of cemeteries, tombstones and monuments, which both municipal and central institutions must take care of. You have to take care of each monument – he told Klinak.

He also blamed the judicial institutions in Pristina for failing to arrest a person who was seen removing the Albanian flag in Kosara.

– In this case, if we had judicial bodies, he should have been detained immediately. With this act, he insulted all the values ​​of the Albanian nation – added Klinak.

Although the priest did not burn or tear the Albanian flag, only removed it from the observation post at the watchtower, Nisret Dzurkaj, the Kosovo police spokesman for the Gjakova region, also spoke on Thursday. According to the Pristina media, he claimed that proceedings would be initiated against the Serbian priest for the criminal act of “incitement to hatred”.

– The police patrol went to the place and the flag was there. Investigators are expected to arrive at the scene and, according to the prosecutor, initiate a process against the priest for the crime of “incitement to hatred” – said Jurkaj.

On October 10, a priest from the vicinity of Belgrade managed to reach the Košare watchtower, accompanied by two friends, one of whom also serves God, at the Miholjske zadushnice on October 10, with great difficulty.

After the commemoration of all the heroes of Košar, the priest went up to the floor of the building where he saw the Albanian flag:

– From the top, I looked directly at the Albanian flag, which has been flying from the watchtower since 1999, after the withdrawal of our army. Some emotions overwhelmed me, I reached over and took it off. Our goal of going to the watchtower was to hold a memorial service for the heroes of Košar whose exploits we must never forget. If it is a sin, let me stand trial, this priest said to our newspaper at the time.


On the occasion of the young priest’s departure to the Košare watchtower, Archimandrite Sava Janjić, abbot of the Visoki Decani monastery, also spoke. He said the Diocese of Raska and Prizren has nothing to do with it.

– The alleged cleric who, according to the video clip published on social networks, went to Košare these days, has nothing to do with the diocese of Raška-Prizren – wrote Janjić on “Facebook”. – Our Diocese distances itself from any activity that in any way endangers the relations between ethnic and religious communities. We pray regularly for all our victims in the temples, and especially for the young people who perished in the whirlwind of war.

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