Serbian politicians are trembling: Zvezdan Jovanović announces who wanted the dead Zoran Đinđić!



11.09.2020. 21:05

Zvezdan Jovanović did not touch his wife for 15 years

Zvezdan Jovanović will publish all about the connection between DOS politicians and criminals in the book Vucje staze, Photo: Profimedia

Zvezdan Jovanovic (55), alias Zveki, sentenced to 40 years for the assassination of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic (48), is writing a book in which he will reveal all about the murder, as well as the names of the Democratic Party politicians who participated in it. Hello! “. In the soon-to-be-released book” The Wolf’s Way, Jovanović will reveal the names of criminals who later got into fights with government officials and the police.

His wife Olivera Jovanović confirms for “Alo!” That her husband decided to break the silence after many years and remove the cobweb of the “process of the century.”

Zoran Djindjic, three clearance teams were waiting for you

Many worked on his head, Zoran Djindjic Photo: EPA / Koca Sulejmanovic

– My husband writes about everything that has been hidden from the public until now. He writes about witnesses, liars, “democratically” chosen criminals and their contact with people in the government and the police. In the book, you will write what was forbidden, what happened in court, that all important evidence was rejected, about what really happened … Write about the shame of this country. He was chosen to be the victim, guilty without guilt. He is in solitary confinement for 17 years, due to someone’s sick ambitions. Everything has been sold, even human lives, says Olivera Jovanović (53) for the first time after 17 years of silence exclusively for our newspaper.

Zvezda’s wife claims that her husband will make strong arguments in the book.

Olivera Jovanović, wife of Zvezdan Jovanović

Olivera Jovanović, wife of Zvezdan Jovanović, reveals that her husband will publish everything that was hidden Photo: Private album

– Write the truth, backed by evidence! She is not lying, as everyone involved in the “process of the century” lied. Everything that has not been said publicly, that has been hidden … Well, the only truth is the one that cannot be changed. He says there will be an answer to “the idiots who tried to humiliate him” … Let’s say, the answer to the lie about getting fired. He says his book will be read soon, says Zvezdan Jovanović’s wife.

As he emphasizes, the statement by Goran Petrović, the former head of the Department of State Security, was especially difficult for Zvezdan.

The title of the book written by Zvezdan Jovanović

The title of the book written by Zvezdan Jovanović, Photo: Hello

– Zvezdan has no dismissal day. After that unreasonable statement by Goran Petrović, we asked the MUP several times to send the documentation. It was officially released at the request of the court. Unfortunately, the media did not consider it important to convey the truth to the public. Many have tried to humiliate as much as possible a man who is not even on his knees. In fact, it is a disease, they envied his bravery and humanity. They envied the respect and friendship of the people with whom he went where people needed help: Olivera was outraged.

Will you be leaving “Alcatraz” soon?

Jovanovic, a former assistant to the commander of the RDB’s disbanded Special Operations Unit, extended his stay in the most closely guarded Serbian prison for another two years and ten days ago. Jovanovic filed an appeal against that decision through his lawyer, so he still has a chance to get out of the strictly guarded casemate.

She also reveals how her husband endures isolation at Alcatraz prison in Požarevac, where he has been for 10 years.

“I confessed to the murder because they threatened to touch my family.”

“I did not kill Zoran Djindjic, I did not injure Milan Veruovic, I did not commit a single act that is imputed to me with this accusation.” That Chamber accepted as evidence what they presented as my statement. Of course, I responsibly affirm that this is not my statement and that I never made a statement. “I agreed to sign everything they asked, just so they don’t touch my family,” Zvezdan said at the 2007 Special Court trial and requested a new trial.

– Well, he’s been in isolation for seventeen years. Hang on, he’s a hero. This crown annoyed me a bit, so I can’t go with it, but I’ve been with it for many years and will stay until the end. I could do this for days. But his fight is his story. I think we will grow old together – says Olivera Jovanović.
