SERBIAN PINK PANTERS STOLE EUROPE: In Germany, cars collided with a jewelry store and stole 3 million worth of jewelry – arrested in Belgrade (VIDEO)


Handcuffs were placed on three Belgraders NS (47), NB (52), and AJ (51), as well as S. Š. (51) of Valjevo.

– Near them were found 41 watches and a gold bracelet from a Swiss luxury brand, one of whose protectors is the soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo – says the source, adding that Serbian citizens are suspected of stealing watches from a shop in Dusseldorf on the 14th. from December.

– They made a spectacular robbery. It is suspected that S. Š. and AJ with another man, who is wanted, drove an Opel Vectra to a shopping center on Kenigsale Street and smashed a shop window. Taking advantage of the chaos that occurred, they took watches and bracelets from the shop windows and fled – says the source, adding that the Belgrade citizen is suspected of being the organizer of the robbery.

– It is suspected that according to the National Bank, he hired three men to steal their watches – explains the source and adds that once the work was done, they managed to return to Serbia and deliver the stolen goods to customers. German police immediately suspected that the theft was carried out by members of the international jewelry thieves gang Pink Panther, and as their police officers told the media, it was clear that they were professionals, who planned the theft well.

A robbery inspired by the one in Dubai

The robbery in Dusseldorf recalls one of the Pink Panther’s earlier actions, a spectacular robbery at the “Waffy Center” in Dubai. Namely, in 2007, the “Panthers” team, which now included the late Borko Ilinčić and the late Milan Ljepoja, flew into the mall, smashed the shop windows and took the 11 million euro jewelry from the “Graf” jewelry store in less than a minute.

– They flew in a car a few minutes before the store opened. Two masked men with hoods started buying watches and threatened the workers with a pistol and pepper spray. They continued their escape on scooters, which they had previously prepared and parked. Police found these vehicles, a source told “Bild”.

The suspects, accused of conspiracy to commit crimes, theft and cover-up, were arrested on the night of Monday to Tuesday in Belgrade.

– NS was arrested when he delivered seven watches, worth 352,440 euros, for later sale to NB, S. Š. and AJ were arrested near the apartment where NS lives, the Organized Crime Prosecutor’s Office announced. It turns out that one “hill” clock was in the hands of the organizers of the NS robbery, while the others were in his apartment in central Belgrade.

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