Serbian midwives leading a panicky Balkan drug gang: everything was discovered by accident


The Spanish police investigation, in which a 30-member Balkan gang led by a Serbian woman (37) was discovered, began two months ago practically by accident, the media write.

Source: Blic

Photo: Depositphotos / chalabala

Photo: Depositphotos / chalabala

As is also stated, the reason for opening the investigation was a fire in Olivela’s home, Barcelona. The cause of the fire was illegal electrical installations that were found to supply marijuana plants.

According to “Blic”, then the ball began to unravel.

It was soon found that the house, like the others on the outskirts of Barcelona, ​​was rented by a Serbian mother with her partner. In the rented houses, as it was further revealed, the Serbian woman built a whole network of laboratories (or plants) in which she grew marijuana.

Next, the Civil Guard began an investigation, during which it carried out a total of 19 searches in the municipalities of Barcelona. Up to 12 closed marijuana plants were dismantled, 12,600 plants were seized, 190 kilograms of cultivated buds and 50,000 euros in cash were seized. No firearms were found in any operation. ”, Affirmed the Civil Guard.

The plantation workers mentioned were mostly native.

“The care of the plants was in charge of the citizens of Serbia who were hired by the detainee; she paid for the trip to the farm and gave them a fixed salary. From time to time she would bring in new workers and send the old ones to Serbia to not arouse suspicion, “wrote the Spanish media.

Passports from EU countries suspected of being forged were also found among the detained members of the criminal group.

“We are investigating why they had Croatian and Slovenian passports last year. They may have facilitated their movement in Spain and the European Union, as Serbia is not a member of the EU, but it is also possible that these documents simply concealed their true identity. because they had a court order. ” “They explain to the police.

Furthermore, it is alleged that the Serbian police cooperated during the investigation, especially since some suspects are being searched due to various acts and proceedings against them in Serbia.

A week ago, the Spanish police carried out a major operation in Barcelona and Tarragona, which destroyed an international criminal organization that was dedicated to the marijuana trade. According to the Spanish media, a Serbian woman (37) who was detained in custody in that action was taken away with a newborn baby.
