Serbian List Member: Why don’t you speak up for Radoicic and he named them all?


Milan Radoičić (archive)

Vidak Ristović, a member of the Serbian List in the Gračanica Municipal Assembly, criticized local politicians for not supporting Milan Radoičić, suspected of being involved in the murder of the political representative of the North Kosovo Serbs, Oliver Ivanović, although, as he himself says, Radoičić appointed them all to the positions.

He called for a kind of justice for Radoicic, if Ristovic’s actions could be qualified as such, in the session of the Municipal Assembly of Gracanica, criticizing local politicians, whom he marked as members of, according to himself, all clans, writes. Voice of america.

“Why don’t some of those local politicians from all the clans raise their voices for the trial against Oliver Ivanovic, for the innocents who are in prison, for the man who was expelled Milan Radoicic, why doesn’t anyone say so? He appointed them all, he gave them all the benefits, they are not fighting for it, but they are fighting against 18 councilors here, what can you say, ”said Ristović.

“Where are the banners of justice for those people?” Asked Ristović, claiming that innocent people were accused of killing Oliver Ivanović.

“None of them spoke in that name, but I know they refer to him when something is not right, and I still say justice for Milan Radoičić,” Ristović said.

Voice of America tried several times to contact Serbian List Vice President Milan Radoičić regarding the allegations made by Vidak Ristović, but his phone was not available. They also requested a comment by email from the mayor of Gracanica, Srdjan Popovic, but received no response and he did not answer the phone.

Rasic: I don’t know if Radoicic is framing or not

Speaking about the accusations made by Vidak Ristović, the chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party, Nenad Rašić, told the Voice of America that the accusations about Milan Radoičić’s influence in Kosovo are in the domain of public secrets. However, as he estimates, now, for the first time, an official who should take care of local problems, such as water supply, sewerage and the like, spoke about it.

Honestly, I don’t know if Mr. Radoicic is framing or not. In any case, he is the vice president of the Serbian List, he can have staff in various institutions in his job description. So I wouldn’t be surprised, but what I know hasn’t been mentioned anywhere so far that Radoicic handles the whole framing, and especially not the part that says all managers should be grateful to him for framing them, “Rasic said.

What do the citizens of Gracanica say?

The Voice of America journalist asked the citizens of Gracanica if they were surprised by Councilor Vidak Ristović’s claims that Milan Radoičić, who is otherwise vice chairman of the Serbian List, places local politicians in certain positions.

“That is true. Milan Radoicic and the leadership of Kosovska Mitrovica are deciding our fate here in the central part of Kosovo, it is true and very sad that Mr. President Aleksandar Vucic does not know the real truth in Kosovo and Metohija. It was all from twisted shape and all these people that he names, or they are people without education or they have bought diplomas and leaders of this nation, who have nothing to do with the population, “said one of the locals.

Another interlocutor, who introduced himself as an activist from the Serbian Progressive Party, claims that such accusations are incorrect.

“I follow all the events closely so I think something like that, whoever said it, is crazy. First, when something like this is published and declared, it must have arguments, and consequently, that it has nothing argued, that it only guesses or no guesses. then it doesn’t make sense “, believes a resident of Gracanica, who introduced himself as an activist of the party whose leader is also the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić.

One of the Voice of America interlocutors points out that the suspicions he fueled have been confirmed to some extent.

“There were stories that he appoints directors and now he seems to be councilors, so here he literally determines who will be the representative of the people and the people will vote for someone, but in reality he does not know who to vote for,” concluded one of the citizens with whom he is a journalist . Voice of America spoke on Gracanica.
